Home Forums Tips, Tricks, Clips, and Pics Just got a NYC Muff

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  • #100841
    I have two Russian BMPs and honestly through my solid states they sound like heaven, but through my tube amp it sounds like absolute 100% garbage. It’s all farty and weird sounding…is this normal?

    My Russian Green BMP sounds like crap thru the Twin yeah, but great thru the Musicmaster Bass… Also great thru SS amps….

    My modern reissue Russian Big Muff actually sounds better through a tube amp than SS. But, it’s a different version than the green one.

    Tone Doctor
    I was on eBay, and I was shooting for one with the Tone Wicker just because of the added features and what-not, but it got out of my price range, so I ended up getting a regular NYC Muff. I’m excited. Sadly, I have an old solid state amp right now, but the American Muffs sounds more Tube-ish than the Russian, so I think I’ll be able to wait until later this year when I get the Marshall Class Five.

    Anyway, rambling and all that aside, I was just wondering if anyone had any tips or tricks or easy/beginner mods that might be nice, as I’m relatively new to pedals and mods, and both are things I’m starting to get interested in. Thanks for any replies in advance.

    P.S. I’m new here, so I guess this can sorta be an introduction thread, I guess.

    Hey, I’m new here also. I just purchased a Big Muff w/Tone Wicker at Guitar Center for 80 bucks. It’s worth it to have the extra features. It opens up so many more possibilities in tone. I recommend it for sure.

    Hey, I’m new here also. I just purchased a Big Muff w/Tone Wicker at Guitar Center for 80 bucks. It’s worth it to have the extra features. It opens up so many more possibilities in tone. I recommend it for sure.

    Nice to meet you, man. Glad to hear you got a deal, too! I think I might prefer the one with tone wicker, too, but I’m pretty short on cash, so I think I’ll be fine with the NYC for now.

    I have two Russian BMPs and honestly through my solid states they sound like heaven, but through my tube amp it sounds like absolute 100% garbage. It’s all farty and weird sounding…is this normal?

    My Russian Green BMP sounds like crap thru the Twin yeah, but great thru the Musicmaster Bass… Also great thru SS amps….

    My modern reissue Russian Big Muff actually sounds better through a tube amp than SS. But, it’s a different version than the green one.

    I have two black ones, but one I modded to the green version with the tone switch.


    Big Muff came yesterday! This thing sounds SO much better than I thought, even after you guys got me thinking it would be good. It sounds better than when I tried it on a tube combo at SamAsh, and on a solid-state at Guitar Center. Really happy.

    I was on eBay, and I was shooting for one with the Tone Wicker just because of the added features and what-not, but it got out of my price range, so I ended up getting a regular NYC Muff.

    I got my wicker for $60…shipped…from a guy on another forum. They get quite cheap on TGP too. No mojo :D

    I was on eBay, and I was shooting for one with the Tone Wicker just because of the added features and what-not, but it got out of my price range, so I ended up getting a regular NYC Muff.

    I got my wicker for $60…shipped…from a guy on another forum. They get quite cheap on TGP too. No mojo :D

    I guess that would have been cool too, but I can’t really see myself happier than I am now as far as my new Big Muff goes. Good to know for later, though, thanks!

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