Home Forums The Lounge Jack Conte

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    Thanks for putting this guy on my radar, he’s a very cool talented musician….

    I just wanted to say respect to Jack. :wave:

    …and now he’s stepped into the political area…….Conte for prez! fing32.gif


    I’m loving PomplamooseMusic so much!!!

    is there anyway to embed a youtube video Scott?


    i like his style and the great editing he does on videos

    very enjoyable :)

    Thanks for putting this guy on my radar, he’s a very cool talented musician….

    I think he’s great. I had first stumbled onto this video a while back, and just loved it — and then I happened to notice the EHX in it — and that is partly what lead to the idea of having user-generated videos on the new EHX site.

    I’ve posted a few other Conte clips to the blog, and he has now produced a few “official” clips for us (the Bass Muff, Deluxe Mistress, and Holiest Grail). But the EHXs in his version of The National Anthem are all just his editing choices (ie, we had nothing directly to do with this clip, other than that some EHX pedals are contributing to his sound).

    Thanks for putting this guy on my radar, he’s a very cool talented musician….

    I think he’s great. I had first stumbled onto this video a while back, and just loved it — and then I happened to notice the EHX in it — and that is partly what lead to the idea of having user-generated videos on the new EHX site.

    I’ve posted a few other Conte clips to the blog, and he has now produced a few “official” clips for us (the Bass Muff, Deluxe Mistress, and Holiest Grail). But the EHXs in his version of The National Anthem are all just his editing choices (ie, we had nothing directly to do with this clip, other than that some EHX pedals are contributing to his sound).

    yeah, I saw some of the clips he did, very cool….the guys a genius!

    i like his style and the great editing he does on videos

    very enjoyable :)

    Agreed – bursting with energy and creativity.


    very talented guy. i talked to him about pedals over youtube once – he actually does reply to PMs!


    I hope he signs up here that would be cool…. :)

    I hope he signs up here that would be cool…. :)

    I’ll go ask him!


    hey guys!!! thanks for your kind thoughts, everyone, I really appreciate it!

    i’m stoked that you guys dig the videos and sounds.

    by the by, i just want to jet a quick thanks to scott, suzi, and EHX for having user generated content on their site. it’s an awesome idea, totally a part of the music revolution that we’re in right now.


    what pedals are you guys using? does anyone have the tube zipper? i’m thinking about getting one, and i’m wondering what the distortion sounds like.

    hey guys!!! thanks for your kind thoughts, everyone, I really appreciate it!

    i’m stoked that you guys dig the videos and sounds.

    by the by, i just want to jet a quick thanks to scott, suzi, and EHX for having user generated content on their site. it’s an awesome idea, totally a part of the music revolution that we’re in right now.


    what pedals are you guys using? does anyone have the tube zipper? i’m thinking about getting one, and i’m wondering what the distortion sounds like.

    Hi Jack!

    great to see you here!

    I started a thread about the tube zipper distortion…..and ‘Tubezipper’ made a cool demo to demonstrate…

    see here.



    https://www.ehx.com/member/23/ judging by his username, this guy probably has one.
    i read somewhere that they’re being discontinued. the tube zipper was my first case of electro harmonix GAS but i never got one. :(

    (welcome to the forums by the way)


    fwiw, I just dug through Jack’s clips, and these ones seem to have some EHX — really, all of Jack (and Nataly/Pomplamoose)’s stuff is worth checking out…

    VideoSong 4 – Radiohead/Chopin:

    Jack Conte – The Giant:

    Radiohead Cover – Jack Conte:

    James Bond 007 Movie Theme:

    Flavors – Jack Conte

    My Favorite Things:


    Lonely Ghost is my favourite song of his
    his demo of the Deluxe Electric Mistress is an excellent piece too


    Hey all, I just posted a fab new Jack Conte vid to the EHX blog:



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