Home Forums Ideas / Suggestions / Feedback IT IS TIME TO DOWNSIZE THE DELUXE ELECTRIC MISTRESS!!!!!!!!!

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    Hope not^^ But if there comes a day that there aren’t a lot of the used IC’s or they become to expensive, I guess they have to…

    sorry, cant help with the mods, but i do agree with downsizing and reissue.

    whats the difference between the old green and the deluxe? and what mod are you talkin about with the led?

    i say get a stereo electric mistress, sell the deluxe and also buy a poly chorus.

    Green Mistress=David Gilmours live wall tones and many other tunes of his. More liquidy.

    I’m sure if you could find a huge supply of SAD1024 delay ICs somewhere then EHX would consider this. Otherwise, they’d have to do it with currently available chips and it just wouldn’t be a reissue then, would it?

    In other words, it’s a no-go.

    Yes you’re definately correct about that. They could easily make the DEM board smaller though. Paint it up like the original and I’d be happy haha! BTW Ron-I actually just purchased an original EM with 5200 board that needs to be brought back to life. It appears there were a few mods done to it but I don’t think the Reticon IC is bad. Someone recommended you as a good tech for this project.


    I think it is inevitable that EHX are going to do a XO version of the Deluxe Electric Mistress!
    From a personal point i would like it to have an LED light, original artwork and for it to be the same size as the stereo electric mistress and micro pog!


    No news about XO version yet? I’m need this girl!

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