Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Issue with Oceans 11 Poly setting

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    I’ve owned my Oceans 11 pedal for a few years now, and really love it. However, I’ve never used the Poly setting much because all it gives me are 5th notes, which are not very useful to me. However, I was watching a YouTube video on the pedal last night, and in that it says the primary function of that mode are Octaves, both above and below the played note. I mirrored the settings they were using and I’m still just getting 5ths. I also reset my factory defaults, still 5ths. I’ve twisted the knobs to every combo and the only thing it plays are … 5ths. Looking at documentation for the pedal online, I can’t even fins anything saying that it has the *option* of 5ths. So I’m totally confused. Anybody know what’s up here and if there’s a setting that fixes this? Thanks!


    Please write the techs at info@ehx.com

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