Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Is this Russian Muff Fixable?

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    The big question is: Can I fix this Muff? Has it been too fried to use the PCB? What is the component in this picture that is fried? Where would I look to get another? Any info would be really useful.

    Side Note:
    I have been using this pedal that a friend let me borrow. He had it rigged up to a radio shack wall power supply. I am going to assume that is what fried it. (any other ideas?) I really like the tone and would like to try and fix it.

    The EH Man

    It’s a filter capacitor on the power supply. No biggie to replace and I’d say the pedal is salvageable.


    Hey Ron,
    Thanks for the lightning fast response.
    Any Idea the value of said component? Any idea where I could look for one.

    The EH Man

    I don’t remember the value exactly but you can use a 47uF, 25v unit. You can probably get one at Radio Shack. Anything 25v or more will be fine.


    Great, that sounds good. I’m going to stop by the radio shack after work and see if I can get this beast rockin again. Thanks again for you help.

    If is wasn’t for people like you all I would have would be a big green paper weight.


    Got it up and running it wasn’t easy as the eyelets were fused to the cap. It ended pulling one on them out when I removed the component. I had to run a little solder on the track to fuse the gaps. It sounds good. I spent a couple of hours rocking it out.

    The EH Man

    Given how badly it was burned I’m not surprised. Congrats on the fix!!

    Ned Flanders

    most of them cap values were 22uF but variations existed too.

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