Home Forums Tips, Tricks, Clips, and Pics Is this effects’ line possible? [SCRIBBLE SCHEME]

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    I was thinking how to combine bass and electric guitar at the same time.
    For example, you’re playing something in Chet Atkins’ style. Why not to cut the highs in equalizer (you can’t put all the sound in the bass guitar,huh?) and remaining sound from bass strings put in MicroPOG to get bassguitar. With the other line in the right to do you always do.
    Hey dear experts, is that possible? Or I’m missing something and I’m a nub?



    I think this could easily be achieved using a volume pedal with stereo outputs(or any pedal w/ stereo out) but without hexaphonic output guitar (like the godin’s w/ midi) you will never actually completely cut out the sound from your higher strings from your “bass line” and your bass line will still go through your normal signal.
    here’s what I would use
    heres a neat article if you’re a DIY person

    and actually, i used to have the roland gk-2 divided pickup installed on one of my guitars and the gr-20 actually has sounds set up the way you want(E & A strings set to upright bass and the other 4 set to jazz organ).


    fast and easy option that requires little to no modification to your guitar(depending on the type of bridge you have)
    plus this


    Hm, that separating strings stuff looks really interesting.
    Thanks, I will inspect it more deeply.
    Too bad I didn’t find any youtube video showing the process…

    i used to have the roland gk-2 divided pickup installed on one of my guitars and the gr-20 actually has sounds set up the way you want(E & A strings set to upright bass and the other 4 set to jazz organ).

    Cool, but can I set all 6 string for organ and 5&6 for bass? That would be exactly like my dream comes true, pal!..


    no, basically you’ll have separate channels for each string. some breakout boxes are set up w/ 2 channels, some have 6 independent(most dont).
    what you could do is, from the breakout box w/ 2 channels, have strings 5&6 run to a splitter that will send part of its signal to your pog and the other part to your normal effects chain with the other 4 strings.

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