Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Is this Big Muff Pi a fake?

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  • #211199

    Hi there,
    a couple days ago i bought via Amazon Wherehouse (second hand) a Big Muff Pi, has soon as i got it i noticed that it’s a very old version of it and it’s very worn out.
    I saw that the newer version has written under the logo “USA”, mine has “Made in NYC, USA”, the newer version has a plastic input for the AC/DC adapter and mine has a metal one “old school”.

    I opened it up and took a couple of photo of the circuit board and seems fake to me, I’m no expert so can you guys help me figure things out?

    Here’s a couple of photo of the internals

    Thank you

    The EH Man

    It’s real. It’s an older reissue.


    May I ask you what makes you tell that’s real?
    I just wanna be 100% confident before i keep it, I still have the chance to send it back and buy the newer version second handed from a local seller. Which version would be best?

    Thank you

    The EH Man

    `I’ve seen enough of them to know.

    They all sound the same to me.

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