Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Is there solution for volume drop of SMM /w Hazarai?

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    I read all posts i could find put didnt find an answer besides some not very easy to implement loop-volume pedal chain combination.

    First of all, let me address the issue since its not clear on the manual or some reviews.
    There are some pedals that when turned on can reduce the volume of signal even when turned to 100% dry. This is some problem with the electronics of the pedal that may or may not be solved with some mods.
    With the SMMH though the problem is in the way the blend knob itself works, let me explain.
    If blend is set to 100% dry you get a signal of exactly the same level as when pedal is off. If blend is set to 100% wet you get only delays (or loop) that are on the exact same level volume-wise as the signal when pedal is off.

    Now, when you put the blend at 50-50 (that is around 10-11 o’clock) or any other percentage combination the volume of the dry signal is always lower than the original signal. Someone can say that when you play with delay sound that isnt noticeable because together with the dry signal you have also the wet so the total volume from practically two signals is more or less the same with the signal when pedal if off, and I kind of agree, eventhough this is not how delays are supposed to work, the deluxe MM for example keeps the level of the dry signal always the same from 0 to 50% of wet signal.
    The problem of volume drop is bigger on the loop function.
    When you want to record a loop without delay, if you set the blend to 50-50, there is a very noticeable volume drop when you turn on the pedal, and also there is no way that you can have the loop AND the dry signal play at max volume at the same time. if you want to hear the loop at the level of the original signal you (blend 100%) you wont be able to hear the dry signal, and if you want to hear the dry signal at the correct volume then you cant hear the loop.
    I know I can convince myself to forget about it, I am just wondering why the blend knob works in this peculiar way and it reduces the volume before it reaches unity point at 50-50.
    also, do you reckon there is a way to mod this?

    i must say that SMMH is very impressive and will be a classic pedal, i really like it, but this indeed is a bit odd.


    I was getting volume drop, but only really in looping mode. Here’s how I solved it-

    1. I got a cheap volume pedal.
    2. I plugged my board in as normal, with the last pedal before my SMMH being my tuner.
    3. Tuner out went to a channel on my guitar amp
    4. bypass went to my SMMH
    5. I set all my SMMH settings to 100% wet
    6. SMMH into volume pedal
    7. Volume pedal into other channel on my guitar amp

    Volume pedal controls wet volume
    tuner mutes dry volume

    It gives me some extra functionality I wanted to have (tweaking the volume of loops on the fly to be more/less prominent) and it solved my problem.


    I have an other idea.
    I dont know if that is easy, someone that has schematics or any more info could suggest.
    So, it would be nice if the wet level and dry level could be controlled by different knobs (or sliders) in order to be able to set the level that is desired.
    do you think it would be able to separate the wet and the dry functions from the blend knob. it would be nice if the dry would be controlled by a slider on the side and wet from the existing blend knob, hm?
    sounds like an interesting project.

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