Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Is there any site that does deliveries to Puerto Rico ON TIME?!

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    I usually order my stuff from sweetwater, but their EHX items are limited compared to musiciansfriend and they already started to take away the older models of certain pedals which freaks me out. I want to collect the pedals, but how can I if I can’t even get them.. That and musiciansfriend takes an eternity to get my stuff here, sweetwater has my stuff in 2 or 3 days


    i wouldn’t blame the company sending them to you.
    i have purchased items from both the companies you mentioned and had my items with in a week, but take note that i am within the 48 continuas U.S.

    i do purchase items world wide, and i know for a fact that its mostly Customs that hold up your shipments, and there’s nothing anybody can do about it or any way to control the shipment time, when it gets in there hands.

    my opinions is with the 2 U.S. companies you have purchased with are, that one of them (sweetwater) probably has made more shipments to your area than musicians friend so customs is used to letting them go threw faster.

    i purchase a lot of parts for my personal pedal builds from all over the orient, and have noticed that there are 2 main larger companies that i buy from where there items get to me in about a week! and all others even tho there in the same area take about a month or so.

    so bottom line is, i believe its customs to blame for shipment times not the individual companies you buy from, when shipping nationally.




    yeah i really hate when pedals are stuck in customs
    not only do i have to wait a month longer to get my paws on them i have to pay the thieves as well


    try Ebay, even if you dont trust the individual smaller sellers (even tho ebay is secure and will fix any problems these days) there are larger companies that sell new items or used older items for that matter, on ebay. and many will ship world wide, and i usually find a discounted price on ebay compared to what i find in local shops or top name mail order companies.

    i have purchased most of my EH collection from Ebay


    then i shall try ebay

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