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    I’ve got a lot of effects. Maybe I’m getting older or something else is going on, but I’ve found myself only using three of them: Compression, Reverb, and Tremolo. I have abandoned gain/distortion completely and will kick on some Chorus or Phase at rare occasions. What was once a full pedalboard is now a lot of open real estate. I will assume that most of you have tons of gear, pedals mostly, but do you find yourself like me in that you only really need or use a select few?


    I agree, as much as i love layers of fuzz, sometimes when I’m not feeling uber creative I just plug into a box of rock into my classic 50 and I become inspired again. They both have their places, and I appreciate both ends.

    I think in the end if you can’t play a song without certain effects you need to ask yourself is it really a good song? What I mean is going on stage with just the option of clean and overdrive and just playing a song. Sure you may have to alter a few parts but it should still hold it’s own as a good piece of music. But I’ve never been in a band with more than three people so I might be a bit one sided here. =/

    But yeah if you feel comfortable just rocking a few stomp boxes I say go for it. As jack white says sometimes too much opportunity kills creativity. :thumb:


    From 1983 – 1999, I played guitar entirely without effects. Then I bought a BOSS CE-3, HM-2, and an RV-3, and I used those exclusively until about 2005. I’ve only begun to collect pedals in the last 4 years.

    During all those years that I didn’t use any effects, I concentrated entirely on song-writing. Now that I have tons of effects, I haven’t necessarily lost my ability to write songs; but I find myself not writing as much because I spend more time now learning to play guitar, and playing around with effects and textures. My feeling is that eventually, when my aptitude for writing guitar lines and using effects is completely second-nature, I’ll come around to being more prolific with song-writing; but this time I’ll have the added extra bonus of having more mastery over guitar and effects to enhance the songs with.


    I never use more than 3-4 effects [edit: actually, I have five on my board right now :doh:] but I always shuffle things around on my board depending on our repertoire. It’s fun to have many effects to play around with, even if they’re not permanently on your board. Some of them I only use at home for practice or just noodling around. Pretty often an effect will light that spark and lead to a new song… :)


    I use effects a lot, but I don’t soak my guitar in effects. I try to be more subtle. Except with fuzz. I use fuzz all the time and go completely over the top


    I use fuzz/distortion almost all the time and when i play clean, i add a little chorus just because. I think that a lot of effects makes the guitar sound bad, i only like to use one (rarely two) with fuzz/distortion at a time.


    I look at the pedals as instruments within themselves,
    less is more for defs but…sometimes more is more too :D


    Yes. Less is more.


    I agree with Pablo on this one– they are instruments in themselves (at least the more complex effects). I keep my Barber LTD on almost constantly to enhance my tone, and then I have some different flavors of distortion/fuzz when I want to kick it up. I recently go the XO Worm, and it has a lot of options, but the effects are subtle enough that they can’t cover up a bad riff, only add to good riffs to make them better. Overall, I’d say that it depends on the user. For me, more is more. I find that pedals make me want to play and inspire me to write things, if for nothing else than to justify keeping them.

    Ned Flanders

    I use one effect all the time, a Big Muff, thats all I use. I used to use like 20 pedals but I find using just one is far better and allows more creative time, instead of adjusting pedals all the time I just set the muff and play.


    Right now a Strat, a reverb and an overdrive into a Fender Champ does it for me… What’s less? Go figure!

    I use one effect all the time, a Big Muff, thats all I use. I used to use like 20 pedals but I find using just one is far better and allows more creative time, instead of adjusting pedals all the time I just set the muff and play.

    Big Muff is a staple for me. I have lots of other effects which are fun and inspiring just like everyone else said, but if i am only going to use one effect, it’s gonna be a big muff.


    Yeah Big Muff is almost always on for me.

    The brief quiet respite gained by turning it off for a few bars is much more interesting than the hole loud/quite loud thing.

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