Home Forums Help/Technical Questions ipad to control EH 2880 looper?

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    Has anyone found a way to control the 2880 via the ipad? I see that Line 6 has a midi connector and also have heard of using the ipad camera kit to hook up a usb connection… various apps out there seem to be more geared toward operating synths and talking to computers…. I’d love to know if anyone has been successful with this.

    I am wanting to record vocals with my very sensitive studio mic and so even these relatively quiet 2880 buttons pick up on the microphone. The ipad will be ideal as a controller if I can get it working.

    Any advice?

    Many thanks!



    If you can send midi messages from an Ipad I don’t see why not.


    minus ten decible pad for the mic?
    or have someone else run the looper from a separate room?
    chop the loops by hand [after recording them to whatever] and load them into the 2880?
    I mean, I think you’re picking the hard way of doing this.

    If you can send midi messages from an Ipad I don’t see why not.

    Yes, I’m hopeful there. I was just wondering if anyone out there had tried this or found a particularly easy program and interface (have read about some latency issues with some.) Some programs seem overly complex for what I want to do (and I have not programmed a midi controller before…

    minus ten decible pad for the mic?
    or have someone else run the looper from a separate room?
    chop the loops by hand [after recording them to whatever] and load them into the 2880?
    I mean, I think you’re picking the hard way of doing this.

    Thanks for your thoughts…I could try the ten decible pad… Having someone in the other room would be nice but would be more complicated (especially if I feel inspired at 1am!) Editing out the clicks afterword could work except that if I am soloing over top, the clicks would be cutting through that as well. I have also considered getting one of those u-shaped mic shields (not sure what they are called) but they are not cheap.


    I meant more like pre-make your vocal loops by doing a straight recording of them, and then load the recording into the CF card.
    Otherwise, what mic are you using? have you considered going with something with a cardiod pickup pattern rather than omnidirectional?

    I meant more like pre-make your vocal loops by doing a straight recording of them, and then load the recording into the CF card.
    Otherwise, what mic are you using? have you considered going with something with a cardiod pickup pattern rather than omnidirectional?

    Thanks for your suggestion. The thing is that I improvise the music so need to record as it is happening–it is not possible to pre-make vocal loops.
    I’m using a U87 and have it set in the cardioid pattern but it still picks up the sound because the distance between the mic and the 2880 is only about 3 feet (singing and pushing buttons at the same time.)


    I want to use the 2880 with an ipad and effects. Has anyone done this? t.ice


    with an ipad to control it over midi or using instrument apps from the ipad and looping in the 2880?


    Thanks Cryabetes,
    It’s the latter – I want to use apps and the looper. I guess I’m asking if the ipad and apps can be connected? What would the connection be like? I’m a percussionist that wants to use looping and effects, without chaining together lots of effects boxes, cables, etc.


    yeah you’d probably either want an iPad dock with proper audio outputs of some kind (Alesis makes a decent one, I hear), but if you’d have to use the headphone jack, you could get by with something like this: (link) – a word of caution though, I wouldn’t go that route. 1/8″ headphone jacks are kind of notoriously bustable by having their solder traces lifted from the PCB.

    you’d also need an amp or PA or whatever for the sound to come out of.


    hey man, that’s very helpful, I didn’t know about the ipad dock, which obviously I would need to make it happen. I do have a powered speaker and mixing board for times when I have to provide it. i’ll look into the dock. I play unusual hand drums (and kit) and I’m looking to create atmospheres and layered wild sounds, etc. Any idea of which Virtual devices are cool that I could get?


    Would you be looking more for manipulating external sound sources or for generating sources on the ipad? I mean, I know garageband on the ipad is really awesome and easy to use, and the Animoog and Korg iElectribe have both piqued my fancy, but other than that, I got nothing.


    I will be manipulating external sources mostly (my hand drums), but as long as I have this equip., I’m into experimenting for sure.


    hello again,
    I heard about a possible latency issue with what I’m trying to do. Do you know anything about this? thanks, t.ice

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