Home Forums EHX News Introducing: Big Muff Pi with Tone Wicker

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  • #87446

    Hi Mike! it’s fantastic to see you here…and fantastic to see a new Big Muff coming out!!

    …just keep doing what you do and we will keep using EHX to make fantastic music.

    it’s a privilege to be helping out on this forum.

    best wishes for 2009 from all the British electro-harmonix users!!


    Glad you dig EH gear

    ..from the colonies


    Not only do i dig the gear.

    I sleep with it ;)


    I wasn’t sure before if I was going to buy the Big Muff Pi with Tone Wicker, because i already have a Big Muff Pi, a vintage Little Muff Pi, a Deluxe Big Muff Pi, a Reissue Hot Tubes, a Tube Zipper, and a Germanium OD.

    But seeing your post, Mike, has convinced me that I now need this one. I can’t wait! :rawk:

    I’m real excited about the BIG MUFF Pi with Tone Wicker

    Me Too!!! oh…hi btw. :D

    Dr. Matt

    Hi Mike, great to see you’ve joined the forums :D

    Does anyone know how much this will cost in the UK? or is the RRP currently “TBC”?

    Definitely interested in getting myself one, as i’ve always wanted to bypass the tone control on my Big Muff just to see how it sounds, because i’m the kind of person who likes my distortion tones to simply distort the signal rather than adjust the tone of it and allow the amp to do the rest, and i’ve always thought it could do with a high-end boost too. Seems like somebody has been reading my mind :)

    Hi Mike, great to see you’ve joined the forums :D

    Does anyone know how much this will cost in the UK? or is the RRP currently “TBC”?

    it’s a $99 which if I’m right is the same price as a ‘holy stain’ in the US…the holy stain is £60-65 here I think, so it should be the same.


    I can’t wait to get one.

    I’m wondering how the tone on it in the normal big muff mode compares to the LBM. I’m going to be getting a Tone Wicker and a Bass Big Muff soon, and I’m wondering if they’ll cover enough ground to take my LBM off my gigging board (I’d still keep it though!)


    Looking forward to getting my paws on a Tone Wicker.

    “That’s when Santa busted in with a well timed ‘Ho!’!”


    So is the Wicker Muff gonna be based more on the NYC reissue or something different? For example, the late ’70s IC Muffs.


    It sounds like it could possibly be the original Triangle Muff, because Mike said it’s exactly the same as the original Big Muff Pi but with the added tone wicker and tone bypass controls. But I could very well be wrong, it could be the latest NYC Big Muff and I’m just over analyzing each of Mike’s words. But that’s what I do.

    I’m sure Fuzz, Mike, or Scott can answer that with actual knowledge and not just assumptions ;)


    I would really like to hear this thing
    i wonder if it is going to sound like a LBM or an NYC muff when it’s in “normal mode”
    does anyone know the release date?


    sometime soon

    Uma Floresta

    So is it like a Triangle, or a Ram’s Head, or more modern?


    nobody’s sure, we’ll have to wait for a staff member to clarify

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