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    This could get pretty pricey, but seems pretty stable for now. Anyone wanna guess what the final price will be? I am gonna say $450-500.


    I am in no way affiliated with this auction. Just thought I would post it because it seems low now, but I just saw a Triangle go for almost $600.


    I wouldn’t be suprised if it went for more …. well, it might have done if he’d listed on it’s own as a ‘original vintage Electro Harmonix triangle big muff’

    ……….rather than ‘3 GUITAR EFFECTS PEDALS 2 VTG CRY BABY BIG MUFF CORDS’ :freak:


    I know! I bet some lucky person is gonna get a heck of a deal there.


    btw, even if that was yours the admin agreed that linking to ebay auctions is ok because the actual transaction is taking place away from the site, so there’s no comeback to us if it all goes wrong …. so feel free to put ebay/craigslist/gumtree links in your sigs if you are selling something.

    actually shall I move this to the lounge, then it can be a thread for posting ebay auctions etc in and keep the rest of the forum free from clutter? That might not be a bad idea… what do you all think?


    Sounds good to me! I was back and forth on which area to post it.


    I’m watching the Dirt Road… I’m sure it will go way over what I can afford right now, but I’m watching just incase. :)



    Good luck! I wouldn’t mind one of those either.


    DAMN IT!!!! i been searching for a dirt road for a while on ebay, and that ones seems cheap still for about 2 days left, my only problem is it looks like it ships within the UK only, and i am in the US. 😥


    that dirt road is being sold by a guy on harmony central effects euro spam thread. iirc he was only asking 250 pounds!

    as for the OP ebay link – !!!! dod death metal !!!!


    I love my Dirt Road Specials. They are extremely under-appreciated amplifiers. Great clean and overdriven tones. Very loud for a 25w amp. Rugged. The only amp I know with a built-in phaser and a Bite control. Very light and portable. 12″ Celestion for great low end.

    What’s not to like?

    that dirt road is being sold by a guy on harmony central effects euro spam thread. iirc he was only asking 250 pounds!

    as for the OP ebay link – !!!! dod death metal !!!!

    he was asking £200 before he listed it on ebay. ……. I don’t have £200 though! I’m hoping nobody is interested in buying an old amp this time of year and I can get it for a real baragin. lol..


    This could get pretty pricey, but seems pretty stable for now. Anyone wanna guess what the final price will be? I am gonna say $450-500.


    I am in no way affiliated with this auction. Just thought I would post it because it seems low now, but I just saw a Triangle go for almost $600.

    Well, this one went for $445.09 + 10 for shipping. I think this person got a helluva deal for a triangle Muff, especially since the DOD and Crybaby can be sold. So it looks like a sub $400 deal. Pretty sweet!


    Did the bottom just fall out of the vintage Big Muff market or something? $445 for that? I was watching that but figured it’d go for more…


    well there’s no guarantee that big muff actually works judging from the description. and as said earlier, the seller really screwed up with the advertisement title.

    The EH Man

    This could get pretty pricey, but seems pretty stable for now. Anyone wanna guess what the final price will be? I am gonna say $450-500.


    I am in no way affiliated with this auction. Just thought I would post it because it seems low now, but I just saw a Triangle go for almost $600.

    Well, this one went for $445.09 + 10 for shipping. I think this person got a helluva deal for a triangle Muff, especially since the DOD and Crybaby can be sold. So it looks like a sub $400 deal. Pretty sweet!

    Looks like I’m the lucky winner of that one. I placed a bid for the heck of it because I figured it would go for more than my max. Didn’t really need another Big Muff so I may go through all of them and re-list them separately unless anyone wants to make an offer.

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