Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Individual Stop/Start for each of the 4 loops?

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    Hello. New to the forum, looking at the 2880 and trying to get an idea of some specifics of it’s opperation. Currently I compose loop based pieces of music which involve recording a number of loops, then stopping and starting individual loops (tracks or phrases) while the machine is still playing another loop. For example, phrase one, 8 bars long, playing continously. Phrase 2, 8 bars long triggered on the first and 5th beat of the main loop, for a quick hit kind of sound. Or, I may want to stop phrase 2, and then start it again half way through phrase 1 and leave both then running. Basically this needs a stop/start button or pedal for each phrase. So, in essence my question is simple – can each of the 2880 tracks be stopped/started independently of each other during playback? Maybe using Midi? I don’t mean muted and unmuted, I mean actually stopped and started so I can do rhythmic sampler style techniques. Any help on this would be great, I imagine if you own one then you will be able to answer this question easily.

    Thanks in advance!



    Maybe you can via midi, but just out of the box, it cannot do multiplicative [loop 4 plays four times to every one time loop 3 plays], asynchronous [playing at different loop times or with different start/end points] or time-based trigger style sample techniques.
    you’d need a Gibson Echoplex for the first, a Boomerang+ or Bommerang 3 for the second, or a Boss RC-50 for the third.

    Best of luck.


    Right thanks for info. I can do all those currently on my RC-50, unless in the first example you mean multiplying a loop say turn one bar into 2, or 3 or 4 etc. The problem is it is so glitchy at times, mainly phasing/sync problems and weird quantize opperations. I don’t even mean when connected to external equipment, just within itself. This is after the update that Boss released too. I have a way to work round it ish, for now, but thought I better see what other options there are out there. The 2880 looked good, it can do some stuff the Boss can’t, but I really need something that can do the basics too. Just being able to stop and start loops independently with say an assignable midi controller would be essential to my compositions. If anyone does know any way of achieving this with midi…..

    I have looked at software loopers too but again can’t find any that have this ability. Maybe I just haven’t found it yet, but if anyone has any ideas would be super to hear them.


    from a software looper standpoint, you can do this with Ableton Live and a Launchpad.
    and I stress the ‘you’ in that statement. i’ve never been able to make ableton work for me.


    Here you go guys…



    Got free version of Ableton the other day with a m-audio interface for pc. Had a quick go with it, but couldn’e work out much, it didn’t look like it could do what I wanted but maybe it can? As for the Launchpad, I need hands for guitar, if it works with midi or usb pedals or something though, may do the trick.

    I had a look at the Looperlative L1 a while back. I found the midi chart on a downloadable manual and even that expensive beasty didn’t have possibilty for individual stop/start of each track from what I could see. Please someone prove me wrong on that as it would be great if it did. It can do so much other stuff.


    I don’t have an lp-1, sadly.

    I thought this “Each track can be synchronized with any other track or it can be asynchronous with the rest of the tracks. Because all eight tracks are run by a single processor, synchronized tracks will never drift apart. The eight tracks can be independently adjusted. Each track has an independent volume and feedback control” meant you could start each track individually, but I guess I don’t know for sure. I also can’t tell if it has a one-shot trigger. I still want it so much.


    Yah, I know what you mean. I think it may work in the way where a you have to either cycle through loops/tracks with a switch, or have to press a switch/pedal to select a track before then telling it what to do, like stop or start etc. But, I am not exactly sure, they are often releasing updates for the lp1. I have gone on the forum there too so hope to have some answers before long, we shall see. Also, Lp2 is on the way, so the rumour goes..

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