Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Importing RHYTHM loops into 22500

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  • #123517
    Hello Flick THANCK YOU very much for your answer. I will try to be as clear as possible.
    1° first of all all my rythm loops are located in file 13 (see pictures) : so I have no rythm loop 13 on the screen of my 22500. Is that all right ?
    2° As written yesterday I see only 18 loops on the 22500’s screen but I have created 21 (see picture).
    On picture 2 you can see the loop file #19 : I send it in another message

    For some reason the screenshot image of your folders is a little small so I’m not sure if I’m seeing it correctly. It looks like you have all your rhythm files in the Loop13 folder, this is not correct. Each rhythm loop must be in its own Loop folder that is in the root directory of the SD Card. The folders cannot be contained within other folders.

    Good morning, I apologize for my meddling. I’m interested in replacing my BeatBuddy + Jamman Solo XT to buy this ELX 22500, only I can not find info or demos concerning the rhythm part of the loop. I am very interested because instead of spending a lot of money for a looper midi and also control the BeatBuddy, I prefer to have only one pedal that does everything, on which to import my favorite rhythm loops. Can you recommend some video / audio demos that let me hear the quality of the built-in drum sounds? Obviously, then my rhythmic loops will be imported from the computer so they will have the high quality I want, but I would also like to hear those inside as they are. Thanks and have a nice day everyone. Rei (Rome-IT)

    Hello Flick THANCK YOU very much for your answer. I will try to be as clear as possible.
    1° first of all all my rythm loops are located in file 13 (see pictures) : so I have no rythm loop 13 on the screen of my 22500. Is that all right ?
    2° As written yesterday I see only 18 loops on the 22500’s screen but I have created 21 (see picture).
    On picture 2 you can see the loop file #19 : I send it in another message

    For some reason the screenshot image of your folders is a little small so I’m not sure if I’m seeing it correctly. It looks like you have all your rhythm files in the Loop13 folder, this is not correct. Each rhythm loop must be in its own Loop folder that is in the root directory of the SD Card. The folders cannot be contained within other folders.

    Good morning, I apologize for my meddling. I’m interested in replacing my BeatBuddy + Jamman Solo XT to buy this ELX 22500, only I can not find info or demos concerning the rhythm part of the loop. I am very interested because instead of spending a lot of money for a looper midi and also control the BeatBuddy, I prefer to have only one pedal that does everything, on which to import my favorite rhythm loops. Can you recommend some video / audio demos that let me hear the quality of the built-in drum sounds? Obviously, then my rhythmic loops will be imported from the computer so they will have the high quality I want, but I would also like to hear those inside as they are. Thanks and have a nice day everyone. Rei (Rome-IT)

    I don’t know if there are any demos around showing off the 22500’s built-in drum loops but you can download the loops from this link and listen to them to decide if you like them:



    Hi!! Is possible adding and do run into de SDcard rythm audio (wav) with 7/8 compass?


    Please write the techs at info@ehx.com M-F 9-5pm NYC time

    Hi!! Is possible adding and do run into de SDcard rythm audio (wav) with 7/8 compass?

    Yes, you can create a loop that is quantized to a 7/8 time signature by setting the Quantize field to “b”.

    No, the Rhythm playback does not support Rhythm loops in 7/8 time. It only supports Rhythm loops with 2/4, 3/4, 4/4 and 6/8 time signatures.

    If you want to create 7/8 loops we recommend you use a generic Rhythm such as R TYPE 01 which is a generic metronome click.

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