Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Importing RHYTHM loops into 22500

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    I recently bought a 22500 looper and have had some problems with adding rhythm loops. The problem is that they don’t play back at the same BPM as I am inputting, with the consequence that the speed and pitch are different. Could I be doing something wrong? I am just typing in the new BPM and the number of beats per bar in the TEMPO.TXT file. I have tried experimenting with different values and the results seem pretty random.
    Many thanks!

    I recently bought a 22500 looper and have had some problems with adding rhythm loops. The problem is that they don’t play back at the same BPM as I am inputting, with the consequence that the speed and pitch are different. Could I be doing something wrong? I am just typing in the new BPM and the number of beats per bar in the TEMPO.TXT file. I have tried experimenting with different values and the results seem pretty random.
    Many thanks!

    What happens if you change the tempo on the 22500 to match the tempo of one of your imported rhythm files, does it playback correctly? For example, if you set one of your rhythms to 135 BPM and adjust the 22500 to 135 BPM does it playback as you would expect?

    The information you write into the TEMPO.TXT files does not force the 22500 to change its current tempo setting. Instead your TEMPO.TXT settings allow the 22500 to adjust playback of the user rhythms so that they match the 22500’s current BPM setting. You have to adjust the 22500’s tempo setting to match the settings you write into TEMPO.TXT.


    Many thanks Flick. Yes, when I change the BPM setting on the 22500 to match the imported rhythm loop BPM everything plays back as expected. It now seems so obvious … So there is nothing wrong with my looper.
    That said, for my purposes (importing backing tracks to play over) it seems a little awkward to change the tempo of the 22500 every time I select a new track. Experimentation suggests that everything is ok provided the BPM of the loop corresponds to the current temp of the 22500. So would it make more sense to set the BPM of each imported loop to the same default value and then keep the tempo of the 22500 at this default value? Or, put another way, if you do this what are the downsides?


    Hello. I have problems when I try to import new rythm loops into my 22500. I have created 21 loops (Wav, TRACKM….) they all appear in tne card but when I try to use then in the looper a have only 18 rythm lopps….:bug:
    Something is wrong. But what ?
    Can somebody help me ?
    Thanks !

    Hello. I have problems when I try to import new rythm loops into my 22500. I have created 21 loops (Wav, TRACKM….) they all appear in tne card but when I try to use then in the looper a have only 18 rythm lopps….:bug:
    Something is wrong. But what ?
    Can somebody help me ?
    Thanks !

    Importing rhythm loops into the 22500 is a little tricky, there are a number of details that have to be done correctly. Please make sure you check pages 25 and 26 of the 22500’s manual and make sure you follow all the rules for importing Rhythm files.

    Let us know how it goes. If you still have problems we can figure out a way for you to send the audio files to us so that we can try them.


    Hello Flick THANCK YOU very much for your answer. I will try to be as clear as possible.
    1° first of all all my rythm loops are located in file 13 (see pictures) : so I have no rythm loop 13 on the screen of my 22500. Is that all right ?
    2° As written yesterday I see only 18 loops on the 22500’s screen but I have created 21 (see picture).
    On picture 2 you can see the loop file #19 : I send it in another message


    Hello Flick, here is the picture 2

    In picture#3 I show the informations of the wave file


    Me again…
    Here is Picture #3
    And I finish with the text file (loop 19)

    I’m sorry to ask you to take time for my little troubles. But thanks you very much !!!!!

    And sorry for my bad English …

    Olivier (France)

    Hello Flick THANCK YOU very much for your answer. I will try to be as clear as possible.
    1° first of all all my rythm loops are located in file 13 (see pictures) : so I have no rythm loop 13 on the screen of my 22500. Is that all right ?
    2° As written yesterday I see only 18 loops on the 22500’s screen but I have created 21 (see picture).
    On picture 2 you can see the loop file #19 : I send it in another message

    For some reason the screenshot image of your folders is a little small so I’m not sure if I’m seeing it correctly. It looks like you have all your rhythm files in the Loop13 folder, this is not correct. Each rhythm loop must be in its own Loop folder that is in the root directory of the SD Card. The folders cannot be contained within other folders.

    Me again…
    Here is Picture #3
    And I finish with the text file (loop 19)

    I’m sorry to ask you to take time for my little troubles. But thanks you very much !!!!!

    And sorry for my bad English …

    Olivier (France)

    Thanks for the screenshots. I see one issue in the Info screenshot which is that TRACKM.wav looks like it is a mono track. TRACKM.wav must be a stereo track for the 22500 to play it. Please try making TRACKM.wav a stereo track.

    Your English is good much better than my French.


    Hello Flick.
    It seems to work : I managed to create new rythm loops !
    The files I used were not stereo :down: :red:
    Always read the user manual !! :coolsmile:
    A big THANK YOU :-)

    But I have another problem : the 22500 sometime stops : it blocks. The only solution I have found is to cut the power.
    The dealer changed it and gave me another a few weeks ago. But I still have the problem….
    I will check on the forum if there is a solution

    Happy new year to the team !!!



    Oliver did you upgrade to the new firmware?
    Firmware is here


    Also use the higher power power supply that came with the looper.


    Hello EHX
    I upgrade to the new firmware
    From now I also use the higher power power supply that came with the looper

    Wait and see but It works !

    Once again : THANKS A LOT
    Long live EHX :-)



    I have a proposal to create a repository of loops to 22500.
    Each user creates some loops, because unfortunately the manufacturer does not publish anywhere additional packages loops, except those that are in the firmware.

    We can create sections: rock, blues, jazz, country, etc., add the amount of bits, or loop for song.
    Then the owner 22500 can very simply download the zip, upload to the looper and test it.
    What do you think about this?
    Or is such a repository and I do not know that?


    That is a great idea!
    If you want start a thread in the Tips, Tricks, Clips, and Pics section and if it grows it could be its own section.

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