Home Forums Review Your EHX Gear Im I the only one who was dissapointed with the Memory Toy?

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  • #119088
    … you really have to use the EHX power supply imho. i tried a one spot and it really didn’t sound the same.

    with the original power supply from EHX i got more and louder repeats, and a overall clearer sound.

    so now i am quite glad with it

    Are you serious? Man I hater reading things like this – cause now, unless I drop the dough and actually try it out, I’ll never know. How does their power compare to battery power? I know they like to recommend batteries…


    Hi, well, for me it worked. I will try a Ibanez/Boss type and write if it works (should work, but so should a onespot i guess).

    There’s been another thread about this issue:


    Batteries should work of course, but i don’t play with batteries.



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