Home Forums Help/Technical Questions I’m an idiot :) (BMP knob/pot problem)

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    Tonight before going to sleep, I tried to remove the knobs from my Black Russian BMP, which I bought on Dec. 2008. Weirdly I couldn’t take it away with my hand or with a shoelace, so I tried with a screwdriver. I was able to remove it, but i think i broke the pot (the sustain one). Why? Well. For starter, knobs are supposed to be hollow on the inside. This one had some kind of shaft that went into the pedal, so I said “FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUU I broke it”. Tried to put the knob back on, but instead of having a set number of turning degrees, it spins around in both directions. I didn’t tried if it works yet, so tell me if I should replace the knob, an in that case, with which one, or do what. Meanwhile, I’ll try it and take some pics from it. Oh, and don’t talk about the warranty, I broke it, it’s void now.


    Tested it out, it makes no noise, but if I move the knob it produces some sort of sound. The pot inscription reads (in cyrilic): спз-4aM Vб(or a six)A (or д) 100KM

    The EH Man

    You’ve broken the pot. By pulling the shaft out you’ve likely broken the wiper section.
    The knob removes by a set screw on the back of the knob.

    The pots are 100K linear and can be purchased at Small Bear.


    Oh god i feel really dumb, because i saw that little screw, AND I THOUGHT I NEEDED TO UNSCREW IT. Haha, luckily instead of blaming me, I see this as a pot failure, and a challenge to repair it myself. Thanks man, you’re truly a ehx guru :)

    Ned Flanders

    The knobs on russian big muffs have a screw you loosesn before you remove them, once loosened they practically just fall off.

    You can fix the pot, you will need to de-solder it,remove the bottom pot casing and re-assemble the pot itself, its easy and it only goes together one way so you cant get it wrong.


    Great to hear that, but well. I’ll give it a try.


    Got the pot, but I can’t make it go trought the pre drilled hole, after the shaft (where the nut, or bolt i don’t know) it won’t go thru, by just millimeters so I was wondering, instead of drilling my bmp could I wetsand it until its good to go?

    Ned Flanders

    if you got any other brand replacement pot you will have to drill the enclosure and the stock knob will NOT fit on it either.

    If you cant fix the stock pot, buy an exact copy of it it from smallbear electronics.


    this is identical to the one you broke.


    I live outside US, UK and anywhere else 😆

    Ned Flanders

    Nope but shipping is very cheap. Just order like 4 of them so you have 3 spares. shipping will be only about $5.

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