Home Forums Ideas / Suggestions / Feedback Ideas for the next batch of diecast RI pedals and possible EHX pedals of the future.

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  • #91661
    Yeah, that would be cool. I play a tiny instrument, so I like to compensate with my amps and pedals being kinda big… Also, what about throwing those two special controls from the Germanium OD onto a few more things… For that matter, why not the germanium transistor? (Guess who loves ’60s rock!)

    Man I would’ve guessed Metal Reggae but 60’s rock? I never saw that coming!


    Tuner with Hazarai. Or better yet, a tube tuner. Maybe it can also have germanium transistors and a built in mini-Van De Graff Generator. (speaking of 60s rock). ;p

    Tuner with Hazarai. Or better yet, a tube tuner. Maybe it can also have germanium transistors and a built in mini-Van De Graff Generator. (speaking of 60s rock). ;p

    Now THOSE are sexy ideas.

    You’re right, Fbanks88. You caught me. Metal Reggae all the way. My mandolin fits in perfectly. :metal:


    Tap Tempo Attack/Decay/Sustain low pass filter- digital controlled analog filter, tap tempo would control attack time, and the DSR would be proportional based on their positions in relation to the attack knob. If the attack is set to 2 seconds, decay to 1 seconds, sustain to 3 seconds, and then you tap in 1 second- it would be 1, .5, 1.5.

    Freeze pedal with FX loop:

    double wide XO, 2 foot switches- bypass and expression, some knobs to control stuff in different modes. Expression/midi inputs. FX loop (which is still in the chain when the pedal is bypassed.)
    Freeze gliss and freeze volume would be on there, with maybe a few new modes. In most modes, Effects in the loop would be in series with the wet signal.
    One mode could be a freeze-fade mode. The expression control would freeze your note and keep it effected and activate the clean signal at unity gain. Or vice versa. So for example at the end of a heavy big muff driven passage you hit the expression switch and it will fade out your note naturally while you can start playing over it in clean without missing a beat.
    There could also be a freeze cross-fade mode.

    Tap Tempo Attack/Decay/Sustain low pass filter- digital controlled analog filter, tap tempo would control attack time, and the DSR would be proportional based on their positions in relation to the attack knob. If the attack is set to 2 seconds, decay to 1 seconds, sustain to 3 seconds, and then you tap in 1 second- it would be 1, .5, 1.5.

    Freeze pedal with FX loop:

    double wide XO, 2 foot switches- bypass and expression, some knobs to control stuff in different modes. Expression/midi inputs. FX loop (which is still in the chain when the pedal is bypassed.)
    Freeze gliss and freeze volume would be on there, with maybe a few new modes. In most modes, Effects in the loop would be in series with the wet signal.
    One mode could be a freeze-fade mode. The expression control would freeze your note and keep it effected and activate the clean signal at unity gain. Or vice versa. So for example at the end of a heavy big muff driven passage you hit the expression switch and it will fade out your note naturally while you can start playing over it in clean without missing a beat.
    There could also be a freeze cross-fade mode.

    That sounds awesome! cause then you could make it sound like your playing a double lead! like when two guitars trade off riffs.


    very true

    or you could use that with vocals so that it sounds like you’re singing overlapping vocal parts


    Now i wonder if you could both overlap guitar riffs AND vocals! lol you could literally dub your own band! I already do that somewhat using my POG to lay a bass riff down and then play over that with my guitar!


    What if you could also program the freeze fade mode to pitch shift the note(s) to form a chord progression when you hit the expression pedal while you play over it? that would definitely be usefull.


    It would be.

    That’s something I want to do on my HOG when I use freeze gliss. Freeze then pitch shift. I could technically do it with two HOGs, but that’s a little too much maybe.


    Call me crazy if you want to… But listen to me first… Theremin. God knows EHX could and should make the best one on the market. Not like the cheap annoying ones that only have the one antenna, either. Both controls. Volume and pitch. My band uses one through a delay. Unfortunately, our guitarist is an MXR dork and doesn’t have the stones to step up to the big pedal plate, but a theremin through a delay sounds AMAZING for anything psychedelic or prog-ish. So… A theremin with a built in delay (with a bypass for the delay, of course)? Hmm?

    a portamento pedal like the HOG has built in?
    would be the best thing ever and would be more accessible for the cheaper guitarists.
    could have this as an option on the ‘wah idea’ along with the volume. but that’s getting difficult…



    I love the way on the HOG (and the SMMH in loop mode) how special functions can be assigned to the extreme settings on the expression pedal (or knob in case of the SMMH.)


    I’d like to see a full bandwidth vibrato. I love the Clone Theory but it is EQ’d for that rich swirling chorus sound, and the vibrato thus alters the guitar tone a bit too much. It’s cool for getting some tones, but I’d like to have my standard Big Muff tone with really fast auto vibrato sometime.


    I’d love to have an all-EHX board, but isn’t a good tuner too much of an effort to research instead of making more stomping noisemakers?

    I’d love to have an all-EHX board, but isn’t a good tuner too much of an effort to research instead of making more stomping noisemakers?

    I know, i wish they would make a tuner sometime.

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