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  • #85106

    All the HOG 2 features (midi, 99 presets)

    Smaller sliders like the ones used on other company’s EQ pedals so that it can fit into a smaller enclosure.

    Microsynth style auto-sweep filter for better synth sounds or let the volume/attack decay be assigned to the filter.

    Detune slider


    Surprised there isn’t more action here.

    I use a HOG 2, here are some of my thoughts on improvements:

    add ability to change the chords, i.e. change voice intervals

    some adjustable delay on each voice

    memory control and preset indicator available without using extra controller box

    foot contoller so main unit can be in a rack for use with FX loops

    midi in and thru connections

    Unity gain marks on the faders and maybe even a peak indicator would also be nice particularly when using in an fx loop

    model up some jangle. I use it for bass, the voices lack sparkle and chime

    Proton Lenny

    I will happily be a third person to agree with all the above mentioned points! I absolutely love my Hog 2 and have used it for years. But’s its size is just too much many times to fit on the board! I think the Hog 2 is possibly EHX’s most unique and versatile pedal in the lineup, and I really hope the Hog gets continually improved. It has been quite a while since the Hog 2’s release, time for an update!

    As has been said by the previous two posts:

    Smaller size (with smaller sliders)
    Filter Automation would be huge!
    Presets without external controller
    If possible stealing some of the auto freeze/gliss settings from Superego
    Possibly improve on the already amazingly good tracking (it can always get better right?)

    Proton Lenny

    Bumping this thread. Any Hog users have any other thoughts/suggestions? I know there are not a ton of Hog users out there, but there should be! The HOG may be the most unique and expansive pedal EHX has made, and I think with a smaller footprint and a few tweaks it would be used by LOT more people.


    -MIDI CC for Wah (currently you can only control wah via midi if it’s set as the expression setting)
    -MIDI CC for bending or make it so that the pitchwheel CC is dedicated to the bend (because pitchwheel doesn’t really make sense for any of the other expression modes anyways) with a CC toggle for step/octave
    -Expanded freeze functionality. I’d like to be able to do any of the tricks the superego+ can do, whilst also still having the original freeze/gliss mode.
    -An editing app for phones/desktops with maybe some under the hood functionality


    Any updates at all? I haven’t heard a thing for some time now.

    I used to get an occasional email, but since my other computer died, and I haven’t fixed it yet, I don’t have the email address of the development people currently.




    I wonder if EHX sells enough HOG 2s to make a HOG 3.

    As a HOG 2 user, I don’t see many other people using them/I think people often want some of the features but not everything the HOG 2 offers, which might be why EH has put the best HOG features into other pedals.

    But if they could make a HOG 3 that was the size of an Ocean’s 12/Grand Canyon, I could go down a pedalboard size. I’d just want them to expand the MIDI functionality & make the attack/decay patchable to functions other than volume.

    Proton Lenny


    • This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by Proton Lenny.
    Proton Lenny

    Anyone from EHX have any input? The Hog 2 is a critical part of my sound, and it is one of the only pedals that I can safely say is COMPLETELY unique. There is nothing else that touches it. The pitch-shifting is great, but only part of the magic. The included freeze/gliss options along with the envelope section and SpectralGate are what make this pedal truly magic. Many times I try to find a way to omit it (to drop a down a size of board), but I just can’t let the magic go! The only thing not perfect is the size and lack of onboard preset selection. There are plenty of great suggestions in this thread already. I think that if EHX paired down the size, that alone would move many more units than the current Hogs do.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by Proton Lenny.

    Hi. I’ve had the HOG 1 for over 18 years. I play it through a rhodes and its never left my top.
    Running the freeze and gliss through everything is incredible, and mixing the drone voices through stuff like arps (Enzo, Tararira) and Boss slicer.
    Anyway my baby is finally starting to feel like it is splitting at the seems. So I came to EHX to see about a hog 2, and noticed a “soon to be discontinued” image.
    Does this mean a HOG 3!? Anyway, I found this thread, and it got my mind thinking about what I would improve. Mostly for my use case.
    So I drew this quick mockup of my ideal HOG 3:
    Some of the features in bullet form, but it all makes more sense when you see the drawing:
    – smaller size, though not the size of of superego+. Think Microcosm or Strymon big boxes. I think it would have to be bigger becasue…
    – Stereo I/O and Stereo Dry out. Exp pedal. Midi I/O
    – EXP reverse as a switch on the back. So it takes up less on the front.
    – Master and Dry Volume turned to knobs and placed above. To reduce pedal length (width?).
    – Next to Dry volume is a Time knob and glide knob. for what you ask…?
    – A sequencer. Where you can run each voice in succession according to a clock or a tap tempo.
    – exp pedal footswitch is REPLACED with sequencer start and stop (hold / latch). Tap tempo (tap). Again, Everyone uses this with the expression pedal.
    – Sequencer step behavior: below each voice slider is an small multi LED button (like the preset buttons on the attack decay) with three settings each. ON, REST, SKIP
    – TUNE: Above each slider is another small LED button haha. Hold the button and Adjust the slider to detune each voice up + or – 2 semitones (or whatever). This should be able to get the user to get to almost any scale based on the classic layout of the HOG.
    – PAN: the same above leds can be held and glide knob is turned to adjust stereo panning for each voice.
    – WAVE SHAPE: like EXP mode selector except wave shape of either the general synthesis (would be HUGE) or the sequencer attack.
    – spectral gate button is smaller.
    – expression mode button is smaller (but still the classic layout).
    – sliders are smaller but not too much. They shouldn’t lose too much throw.
    – finally built in presets: 7 segment old school style with an encoder. turn to number push to select hold for 5 seconds to save.

    Id shit myself if I could have this. I score films and TV and often use my rhodes and hog (plus other things) to create THE most unique textures.
    thanks for reading.


    Hi. I’ve had the HOG 1 for over 18 years. I play it through a rhodes and its never left my top.
    Running the freeze/gliss through stuff like arps (Enzo, Tararira) and Boss slicer etc is so tasty. Create on top around that… feed it to a looper and stack parts. it never ends.
    Anyway, my baby is finally starting to feel like it is splitting at the seams. So I came to EHX to see about a Hog 2, and noticed a “soon to be discontinued” image.
    Does this mean a HOG 3!? Anyway, I found this thread, and it got my mind thinking about what I would improve. Mostly for my use case.
    So I drew this quick mockup of my ideal HOG 3:
    Some of the features in bullet form, but it all makes more sense when you see the drawing:
    – smaller size, though not the size of of Superego+. Think Microcosm or Strymon Volante / Nightsky. I think it would have to be bigger becasue…
    – Stereo I/O and Stereo Dry out. Exp pedal. Midi I/O. that needs real estate
    – EXP reverse as a switch on the back. So it takes up less on the front.
    – Master and Dry Volume turned to knobs and placed above. To reduce pedal length (width?).
    – Next to Dry volume is a Time knob and glide knob. for what you ask…?
    – A sequencer. Where you can run each voice in succession according to a clock or a tap tempo.
    – exp pedal footswitch is REPLACED with sequencer start and stop (hold / latch). Tap tempo (tap). Again, Everyone uses this with the expression pedal. So the expression footswitch is a waste.
    – Sequencer step behavior: below each voice slider is an small multi LED button (like the small ones on the loopers), with three settings each: ON, REST, SKIP
    – TUNE: Above each slider is another small LED button. haha. Hold the button and Adjust the slider to detune each voice up + or – 2 semitones (or whatever). This should be able to get the user to get to almost any scale using the classic layout of the HOG as its base.
    – PAN: the same above leds can be held and glide knob is turned to adjust stereo panning for each voice. I can imagine it now. So sick.
    – WAVE SHAPE: like the EXP MODE selector except wave shape of either the general synthesis (would be HUGE) or the sequencer attack.
    – spectral gate button is smaller.
    – expression mode button is smaller (but still the classic layout).
    – sliders are smaller but not too much. They shouldn’t lose too much throw.
    – finally built in presets: 7 segment old school style with an encoder. Turn to number push to select hold for 5 seconds to save.
    – more on drawing.

    Id shit myself if I could have this. I score films and TV and  often use my rhodes and hog (plus other things) to create THE most unique textures.
    thanks for reading.

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