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  • #89747

    I hate effects. However, if any* here should be so inclined, feel free to mail me some.

    *specifically daniel…

    I keep the boxes too.

    I also keep the boxes…to pedals I don’t even own any more!

    Dr. Matt

    i keep the boxes to all the pedals i have boxes for. i got a few used so they didn’t come with boxes.

    I love effects but i don’t tend to actually make much use of them other than overdrive, distortion and fuzz.


    Man, my collection is pathetic compared to most of the people here. I only have 9, (Small Clone, Big Muff, POG, Metal Muff, XO Mistress, crybaby, phase 90, carbon copy, 10 band eq). Even though I only have the SC, BM, POG, and Crybaby on my board, and hardly use the other mentioned effects, I don’t think I will ever sell any of them. I’ll keep them just for the sake of having more effects. I too, keep the boxes, nice way to keep dust of inactive boxes and I’m also a bit obsessive when it comes to stuff like that. As great as effects are, they don’t outweigh the importance of a solid amp and guitar.

    By the way, how is that fOXX tone machine treating you? I’m thinking of getting one for my next fuzz. The demos I’ve heard have a wonderfuly over the top fuzz sound (almost Univox superfuzz like) and the octave up is extremley gnarly (as in rad, that is).


    I have a similar addiction (particularly to wahs and EHX stuff)…*sigh* trouble is I can’t afford to support my habit nearly as much as I’d like.

    Oh, and grats to the guy who broke 100 – you’re a god among musicians.

    …plus, I keep the boxes.


    Who doesn’t keep the boxes?

    Nobody, that’s who.


    I think its safe to say you’re a loser unless you have the boxes…


    Boxes are a must!

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