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    I know of many users who have used the Big Muff. I have either read or seen pix that verify each of these, but I’ll have to dig up the info again to do in the format suggested here.

    Carlos Santana, John Lennon, Pete Townshend of The Who, Steve Howe of Yes, J Mascis of Dinosaur Jr., John Frusciante of the Red Hot Chili Peppers, Thurston Moore and Lee Renaldo of Sonic Youth, Thom Yorke of Radiohead, Billy Corgan of Smashing Pumpkins, Kurt Kobain of Nirvana (on Lithium), Cliff Burton of Metallica, Chris Ross of Wolfmother, Robert Sledge of the Ben Folds Five, Jamie Cook of the Arctic Monkeys, Mike Mills of R.E.M., and Jack White of the White Stripes. The band Mudhoney named the EP Superfuzz Bigmuff after the Muff, which was used on it.

    David Gilmour of Pink Floyd used both the USA Ram’s Head and Traingle Muffs, Sovtek Civil War Muff, and Pete Cornish Big Muff clones on many of Pink Floyd’s greatest recordings. Lots of documentation in interviews and photos that verify this. Too numerous to list all the songs he used them on, but it is documented that the solos on Comfortably numb are the Ram’s Head Big Muff. For the live Wall shows it was the Ram’s Head into an 18v Electric Mistress for Comfy Numb, and just about every other song with any distortion. The Sovtek Civil War Muff was used on many songs from A Momentary Lapse of Reason, most notably on On The Turning Away. It is also used all over the Pulse live CD. The Ram’s Head and Triangle Muffs were used on Gilmour’s recent On An Island tour in 2006. Though David has also used the Pete Cornish P-1 live since 1980 or so, that is just an E-H Ram’s Head clone made road worthy and tweaked with a buffer.

    The Electric Mistress was used heavily on the later Pink Floyd shows in 1977 for several songs from Animals, all over The Wall live and studio recording, and the Final Cut studio recordings. Also used on David Gilmour’s first solo record on the instrumental Raise My Rent, which also features a Ram’s Head for the solo.


    Steve Howe of Yes had two Big Muffs on his board in 1977. You hear it on the studio solos in Yours Is No Disgrace, Starship Trooper and Roundabout. The Big Muff is also on Tales From Topographic Oceans. You hear it on Ritual, Revealing Science of God and The Ancient.


    Jack White uses a POG on the song Blue Orchid. I’ve always wondered how he got that sound :rawk:

    Frusciante also had a Micro Synth and 16 Second delay during Californication recording sessions.
    Don’t know why though


    i know this is such a late response, but he used the micro synth and 16 second delay for the solos on Savior.


    “pretty much every track on the CD”
    Sel Belamir
    EHX: {Big muff}
    REFERENCES: {email from Sel Belamir}
    Dark Axel

    i love the sound… for exaple in the first song “Motorhead”


    I’m Pretty Shure Cobain Used a Muff on the Hormoaning EP, that doesnt sound like a boss pedal, i think the yeah yeah yeahs used it sometimes, weezer on the first two albums definitly, REM on moster was russian muff, static age by the misfits has a muff on the guitar, ect


    Grizzly Bear
    Ed Droste
    EHX: Holy Grail
    References: 1
    YouTube: “Ready, Able”
    Submitted by Fender&EHX4ever;[/quote]

    Hey all, I thought it might be fun to try to compile a list of “iconic tracks” that have used EHX gear (obvious selections might include work by Pink Floyd, The Police, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Nirvana, White Stripes, etc.

    Fender&EHX;, that means you! :D

    This came on in the car while I was holiday a few weeks back//
    ‘Buttered Beauties’ by Devo, they rip it up with the old Frequency Analyzer, so much so that as soon as I got to Paris I stopped by an old music shop and picked one up for the un-pass-up-able sum of 40 Euros.

    Here’s a wee link to it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVZMSQOEPmY


    Probably not an ‘Iconic’ track to you guys but of of my favorite musicians ‘John Kastner’ .. (that’s the Canadian vocalst/ Guitarist from Doughboys, All Systems Go, solo artist and soundtrack music bloke) .. is a an EHX user…


    this is a screen capture from this All Systems go video ‘all I want’


    and there’s the video. :)

    The song is from their self titled album ‘All Systems Go’ so I’d suspect there’s more EHX sounds on that album!! :)


    Killer band. Mark needs some Davies Molding replacement knobs for those pedals! Too bad this lineup did not last.

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