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  • #87551
    Watch out for this guy…. he’s got a Pussy on his Muff for a picture… :facepalm:

    that is my muff ;)


    If my cat could talk, he’d say ‘Who the hell you callin’ a “pussy?” ‘ He’s pretty macho for a cat.

    Evidence 1: http://www.fooarchive.com/features/guitarplayer99.htm

    Evidence 2: http://www.fooarchive.com/features/mixmagazine.htm

    Foo Fighters used a Deluxe Memory Man on “Breakout” and “Headwires.”

    isn’t it ‘breakout’ that has chorus/phaser (or something modulation-wise on the intro) ….I wonder if that’s an ehx pedal?

    I’ve never even heard the song :doh: I just posted it because I found the article while browsing interviews with the keyword “harmonix” in them.


    New From Electro-Harmonix…. The Macho Muff…. Squeals like a pussy in heat… It claws and gnaws your amp to shreds; leave the audience wanting more…. Give me more Muff Pi….

    New From Electro-Harmonix…. The Macho Muff…. Squeals like a pussy in heat… It claws and gnaws your amp to shreds; leave the audience wanting more…. Give me more Muff Pi….

    :clap: :love: :metal:

    My cat Mao will be your biggest fan!

    New From Electro-Harmonix…. The Macho Muff…. Squeals like a pussy in heat… It claws and gnaws your amp to shreds; leave the audience wanting more…. Give me more Muff Pi….

    Duuuudddeee. :poke:



    you are like a cop for ehx. Always suspected it ;) 😆

    This is serious business, tubezipper. We need hard, cold evidence that Electro-Harmonix is the choice of the Gods :metal: None of this, “I think so and so used a Big Muff, but I’m not sure.” Conjecture has no place in this thread :nono:

    Serious indeed.

    This case will never close.


    Every boris track. Wata has always used a big muff.

    Smashing Pumpkins GOOD material.

    Radio Friendly Unit Shifter: Nirvana.


    Question: do y’all think we should treat this thread like a Wiki?

    Meaning, what if we were to edit the suggestions into the first post in an on-going way — does that make any sense?

    Question: do y’all think we should treat this thread like a Wiki?

    Meaning, what if we were to edit the suggestions into the first post in an on-going way — does that make any sense?

    That works for me, but I really like the idea of providing references. For example, I’ve heard from a variety of sources that Billy Corgan used a Big Muff, and I’ve also heard that he didn’t. Does anyone really know for certain? Pics? Interviews?

    That works for me, but I really like the idea of providing references. For example, I’ve heard from a variety of sources that Billy Corgan used a Big Muff, and I’ve also heard that he didn’t. Does anyone really know for certain? Pics? Interviews?

    I have/had a picture of him with a electric mistress and a muff, he used a microsynth on starla and for the cherub rock solo. Iha used to have a small stone taped to a Flying V. He himself talks about using the muff and microsynth in the liners of a album.

    They definitely used a pile of ehx stuff.

    And how about later frippatronics with the 16 second delay?


    Come to think of it, I’m not sure if this would work well as a wiki — because each post has a maximum number of characters — so, either we’d have to break it into multiple posts or I’d have to raise the max size (which might not be such a good idea).

    Anyhow, one advantage is that we’d wind up with a organized and collected list — or we could just fire them into a series of posts — do you have a preference?

    As for references, they’re great, though I’m not sure if they should be a requirement.

    As a format, how about something like:

    EHX: {}

    So, per F&EHX;, we might have something like:

    Nine Inch Nails
    The Downward Spiral
    “Mr. Self Destruct”
    Adrian Belew
    EHX: Frequency Analyzer
    References: 1, 2, 3
    Submitted by Fender+EHX4ever

    Does this make any sense? I think I could get lots more people to see the list if it were in some sort of format — but it would take a bit more work — but, with a bit of thought now, perhaps not too much additional work.

    Anybody care one way or the other?

    Come to think of it, I’m not sure if this would work well as a wiki — because each post has a maximum number of characters — so, either we’d have to break it into multiple posts or I’d have to raise the max size (which might not be such a good idea).

    Anyhow, one advantage is that we’d wind up with a organized and collected list — or we could just fire them into a series of posts — do you have a preference?

    As for references, they’re great, though I’m not sure if they should be a requirement.

    As a format, how about something like:

    EHX: {}

    So, per F&EHX;, we might have something like:

    Nine Inch Nails
    The Downward Spiral
    “Mr. Self Destruct”
    Adrian Belew
    EHX: Frequency Analyzer
    References: 1, 2, 3
    Submitted by Fender+EHX4ever

    Does this make any sense? I think I could get lots more people to see the list if it were in some sort of format — but it would take a bit more work — but, with a bit of thought now, perhaps not too much additional work.

    Anybody care one way or the other?

    I really like that format! Good clean cataloging. Should we add a line for YouTube links to the song as well?

    I have/had a picture of him with a electric mistress and a muff, he used a microsynth on starla and for the cherub rock solo. Iha used to have a small stone taped to a Flying V. He himself talks about using the muff and microsynth in the liners of a album.

    They definitely used a pile of ehx stuff.

    And how about later frippatronics with the 16 second delay?

    Cool. I didn’t know that the Pumpkins talked about gear in the liner notes. I always love when bands do that. I’m such a gear geek.

    As for Fripp, the only album I know for certain where he uses the 16 Second Digital Delay is:

    David Sylvian
    Gone To Earth
    “Taking the Veil”, “Gone To Earth”, “Wave”, “River Man”, “Silver Moon”, “Upon This Earth “
    Robert Fripp
    EHX: 16 Second Digital Delay
    References: 1
    YouTube: Wave, Silver Moon
    Submitted by Fender&EHX4ever;

    Evidence 1: http://www.fooarchive.com/features/guitarplayer99.htm

    Evidence 2: http://www.fooarchive.com/features/mixmagazine.htm

    Foo Fighters used a Deluxe Memory Man on “Breakout” and “Headwires.”

    isn’t it ‘breakout’ that has chorus/phaser (or something modulation-wise on the intro) ….I wonder if that’s an ehx pedal?

    I’ve never even heard the song :doh: I just posted it because I found the article while browsing interviews with the keyword “harmonix” in them.

    Okay, I finally listened to those two songs on YouTube, and Grohl is confused. He says Memory Man, but he means Small Stone. These Rock Stars need to get their gear straight.

    Okay, I finally listened to those two songs on YouTube, and Grohl is confused. He says Memory Man, but he means Small Stone. These Rock Stars need to get their gear straight.

    lol, that sounds like a small stone in ‘breakout’ to me, I listened to it earlier.

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