Home Forums Vintage EHX I want to repair an old EH Memory Man 1338A, were I can find the schematics?

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    I recently bought an old EH Memory Man 1338A (I think is from the late 70s), so I removed the back panel and realice that there were some cables not making contact to the board, and I dont know where to solder them :S, I also knowest that some of the electrolityc caps wherent the original ones, do you know where I can find some good pictures of this EH memory man board? thank you!


    The Deluxe Memory Man schematic is out there, if you look hard enough (or not all that hard, really). A photo of the innards of a 70’s Stereo Memory Man you can find on Flickr.


    Between these two ‘hints’ you should have enough information to get that pedal going. Good luck!

    *WARNING!* I realize I don’t own this photo. If hot linking to it is wrong, I apologize.


    go to EH-man’s website (Ron) im sure he sells them for cheap and emails them right away. i have purchased a couple from him myself.


    thank you for the tips! :D



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