Home Forums Tips, Tricks, Clips, and Pics I want to modify my 2880 super looper

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    I love this looper, but here is what I want that would make it 1000x more amazing.

    4 outputs, one for each track. That way, when I record a sweet loop, I can plug 4 outputs into my 4 preamp inputs and record each channel seperately.

    I know that you can put the flash card in the computer and get the 4 tracks, but putting them back together in a DAW and getting them to have the same rythm and vibe as it had when coming through the looper is really hard.

    So anyway, has anybody looked inside the box? Is this possible at all or am I dreaming?


    Couldn’t you just plug the normal output into your preamp and record from your DAW that way?

    I haven’t seen the inside of the 2880, but my guess would be that the thing is packed.


    Well I do that already, but I have 4 loops coming out of 2 outputs, so I cant get each signal cleanly without the other tracks going. If I turn the other tracks down to get the single track then I have the put them back together again.


    Record two stereo tracks and pan one left and one right on each track and you should be able to record two stereo tracks then split it into four mono ones without ever modding it!!!


    Yeah but then I have two tracks coming out of the Left and two out of the Right. So I have two sounds and thats messy in the DAW. Still not a real way to get 4 clean mono sounds.

    Yeah but then I have two tracks coming out of the Left and two out of the Right. So I have two sounds and thats messy in the DAW. Still not a real way to get 4 clean mono sounds.

    I totally got you. I failed to remember it doesn’t have four outputs lol. Well you could do two tracks that way, then do the other two on a stereo you split.

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