Home Forums Help/Technical Questions I need a Filter

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    I’ve been using a Nano Dr. Q for almost a year now, but I’d like something with more features, and a wider range of sounds. So I’m in the market for an envelope filter. Currently I’m leaning towards the Tube Zipper, however, I haven’t ruled out the Qtron+ or the Riddle. I also like the Sub Decay Prometheus and 3Leaf Groove Regulator.

    Anyone care to share their favs and help influence my decision?



    P.S. I most likely won’t be able to try any of these before I buy, as I live in frozen Nova Scotia.


    i love filters myself!!

    and unfortunately i cant help you out on a choice, all you listed are great pedals!

    but i would add two more to that list….WMD Super Fatman…..super cool and versatile unit! (but expensive!!)

    and also, it may be a one trick pony, but one of my favorites is the EH Bassballs, it sounds wicked on guitar, i actualy have to force myself to not use it so much!

    also the new EH talking machine looks interesting! apparently it can also do the bassballs sound.


    Thank you Mr. Grim! I haven’t heard the Fatman before, I’ll have to check it out. And it’s interesting you should mention the BassBalls.. There happens to be one here in stock (old style to!) that I’m thinking of picking up. That’ll prob hold me till the Machine comes out, then I can make my real decision;)

    Thanks again,


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