Home Forums The Lounge I just bought a new amp head!

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    And its amazing! I’m the proud owner of a B-52, AT-100, 100w amp head, with the 4 button footswitch. I really cannot praise it highly enough! It technically has 2 channels, but really its like 3. It’s clean it amazingly clean (especially for a dirty amp), and a dirt channel, that is broken up into 2 gain presets which you can set separate amounts of: gain, volume, and a really cool feature, a tone contour, and you definitely wont have to worry about not having enough headroom!

    And for all the features: reverb, effects loop, presence, tone contour; it is an amazing deal.
    I was lucky, and was able to get mine for less than 300$ (used) at a local guitar shop, but its fairly cheap anyways.

    Although the price tag is cheap, its build quality is not. The quality of the amp is fantastic, but the inside is were it gets ridicules, it uses a lot of tubes, and REAL transformers, so that you can actually swap them out later on, unlike most cheap amps where the transformers are built into the board, and is a pain to change out. With a few small swaps, of tubes and others, this amp will be the best bang for your buck!

    I would love to hear your opinions and comments :)
    Thanks for reading.


    Sounds like quite a deal!

    What tubes did it come with, and what are you thinking about swapping in?

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