Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Hum from brand new 12ay7 mic pre

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    The model I use has been in my rack for 16 years and they don’t make it anymore. It is an 8 channel version of the one you linked to. Here is a link to it on a gear site that has the specs if you scroll down. The key here is that the device converts automatically back and forth between balanced and unbalanced lines at either end.


    The one you linked to is exactly the same but just two channels.

    here are some used on Reverb, but this is an American page, I think any of these, even the cheaper ones from Behringer, Rolls, of Pyle should work:



    That one would work! It is a two channel version of the one I use. The one I have has been in my rack for 16 years. The key is that it translates between unbalanced and true balanced signals, automatically, at either end.


    I suspect even the cheap ones from Rolls and Behringer shpuld do the trick. here re some used ones on Reverb in the US



    Hi! I did some research on this subject and found this device which I think I can use between the balanced XLR output of the EHX Mic Pre and the unbalanced 1/4” input of my effects pedals:

    It’s a Re-Amp Box. Until today, I didn’t know it existed. Apparently, it does the reverse job of a Direct Box. I think it’s exactly what I need to be able to use the EHX Mic Pre with guitar pedals. I hope this information helps anyone who is in the same situation as me.


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