Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Hum from 12AY7 Mic Pre Amp

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  • #77494

    Hi everyone,
    I have a new 12AY7 Mic Pre Amp that sounds great – – it sounds so smooth, I never heard anything so good from my PC.
    BUT – – – it hums too loudly for recording.
    For instance, a hum at -45 db and my signal is only -15 db – – or
    if I turn it up to get a -10 db signal, then I have a hum at about -30 db

    So, too much hum for the signal, and noise gating does not work because it still lets the audible hum through during my signal.

    Is there a device available? I saw a comment online (elsewhere) where a guy said he bought a little box to turn a balanced signal into an unbalanced signal for his soundcard – – but he didn’t say what the box was called !!

    Any advice? I would love to record this 12AY7 without the hum, it is such a smooth sound from this unit. What good sounding vocals.

    Any insight that you can provide?
    Thank you, thank you, thank you !!!

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