Home Forums Help/Technical Questions How to remove ring washers on old EHX switches?

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    Is there a special tool to remove those ridged ring washers on old stomp switches like the ones on the old Big Muffs? Something like a socket that fits onto them rather than trying to get them on and off with pliers (which doesn’t work so well and ends up chewing the ridges up).


    The EH Man

    I’ve been trying to find one, but no luck so far.


    Really? I’m SoL then I guess. What do you use? A regular wrench of some kind? I gues you probably see mor eof thes ein an afternoon than I run into in a year…

    Do you think this would do it?


    Really? I’m SoL then I guess. What do you use? A regular wrench of some kind? I gues you probably see mor eof thes ein an afternoon than I run into in a year…

    Do you think this would do it?


    wow, I’ve never seen one of those, that’s really neat…I’m sure that would work too. (unless it’s too big) I’m not sure.

    The EH Man

    Haven’t seen/tried that one yet. I bought a plastic version a couple years back that didn’t work. Maybe this one will.


    btw, last time I used some small mole grips, I dunno if you call them that in the US.

    these things…


    as long as you get them clamped with the right amount of pressure you shouldn’t do any damage.

    Ned Flanders

    Mel, in Oz we call them “multi grips” for obvious reasons.

    Stew-mac has sold them nut tools for ages!

    I just use pliers as the grip fits the nut exactly. But i have been planning on buying the tool from stewmac anyway.

    BTW, the gibson type nut and the Carling type nut are indeed the same size. I have some of each here for comparison and they seem to be identical.


    yeah i was going to suggest stewart macdonald guitar shop supply, i buy from them all the time, and although i don’t own that tool, Ive seen in in every catalog, and contemplate buying one every time, but i always find other things that the cash need to go for more, and i end up using other tools like the ones above for the nut instead. evan if it is risky, you need to be careful, one little slip and you could put a huge gouge in your guitar finish or pedal!

    plus the tool above, looks like you could tighten it like a pin vise, and make it fit a slightly different size, i would think it should work (from stew-mac)

    o and i too have just compared the nuts i have purchased for the guitars i build, and thew nut on the switchcraft switches that this tool is made for does match the ones on the vintage EH pedals i have.

    yes all hear in this post, looking for the correct tool (that includes you EH-MAN, i hope we could help you for once Ron) buy the above pictured tool from http://www.stewmac.com , they have never let me down in the past, and have awesome customer service, you got a tech question? e-mail it to them and they will respond with results, so if your still unsure, just ask them first. and request them to send you a catalog, there a lot more fun to look threw than having to navigate there website.

    Is there a special tool to remove those ridged ring washers on old stomp switches like the ones on the old Big Muffs? Something like a socket that fits onto them rather than trying to get them on and off with pliers (which doesn’t work so well and ends up chewing the ridges up).


    have you tried big tweezewr?


    tweezewr? hmm.gif

    EDIT: tweezers? It’s pretty tight on there.

    I eventually desoldered the switch and unscrewed it from the back … facepalm.gif

    tweezewr? hmm.gif

    EDIT: tweezers? It’s pretty tight on there.

    I eventually desoldered the switch and unscrewed it from the back … facepalm.gif

    i type really fast.


    I have both Carling and Gibson switches here too, but it’s too close to call whether they’re the same. I’m told the ridges are coarser on the Gibson and that the tool above doesn’t work well. http://www.stewmac.com/shop/Tools/Wrenches/ESP_Multi_Spanner.html%5DThis was suggested instead.

    Sorry, didn’t mean to turn into an ad for stewmac…

    The EH Man
    Really? I’m SoL then I guess. What do you use? A regular wrench of some kind? I gues you probably see mor eof thes ein an afternoon than I run into in a year…

    Do you think this would do it?


    Did anybody try this yet? I’m intrigued…

    Did anybody try this yet? I’m intrigued…

    I went with electro-melx method — worked a treat.

    btw, last time I used some small mole grips, I dunno if you call them that in the US.

    these things…


    as long as you get them clamped with the right amount of pressure you shouldn’t do any damage.

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