Home Forums Tips, Tricks, Clips, and Pics Hot Tubes (new one) settings

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  • #81921


    Has anyone got some advice on using the Hot Tubes? I’m having trouble in finding a good setting. Seems to me that the bass knob can only go up a bit, after that it’s pure mud, and the treble only affects the sound on the last few degrees of turning. I ran the sound through a spectrometer thing to try to figure out exactly how the controls work but that got me nowhere.


    I’m not sure if this will be germane to your situation, but I’ve had a lot of success using the Hot Tubes as a bass pre-amp.

    Feeding it straight to a Sunn Concert Slave, my settings are (in clock-face terminology):

    Master: 2
    Gain: 9
    Drive: 7 (basically off)
    Bass: 2
    Treble: 10

    This gives me a nice, warm sound that is very touch sensitive. If I switch to just neck pickup, I get a fairly clean, round sound, and with bridge pickup I get a nice break-up.

    Hope that helps!


    Thanks for your answer.
    I’m not familiar with the Sunn Concert Slave. Is it a normal bass amp ou just the power amp section?

    I hardly get to play bass these days. I’m planning on buying a short-scale six string bass, but that’s gonna take some time.

    I tried a setup that Cryabetes suggested, using the Hot Tubes as a line driver, keeping it on all the time, but it got very noisy. I think I’d rather use it as a drive/distortion pedal.


    The Concert Slave is just a one-knob power amp, expecting a line-level input.

    It’s from ’76, back in the days before PAs were common, so bass players would buy one “Concert Bass” amp, and then chain as many “Concert Slave” amps as they needed.

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