Home Forums Review Your EHX Gear Hot Tubes Nano

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  • #84129
    Kevy Metal

    I’ve only spent a few hours with the latest addition to my pedal board, the Hot Tubes Nano, but I can safely say that this is one of my favorite Electro-Harmonix pedals so far. It pairs nicely with my 60s reissue Strat and Hotone Mojo Diamond Tweed amp head, gently warming up an already great clean sound, not to mention the massive growl you can get by cranking the overdrive. Definitely worth a look if you’re curious.

    Kevy Metal

    Played around with the Hot Tubes some more this weekend, can’t stress how great this pedal is and the growl this thing possesses. I’ve been craving the sound of a cranked-up tube amp with a slight blown speaker vibe and this pedal brings it without a problem. Running this after my Mooer Grey Faze pushes that pedal to even more heavenly fuzzed-out tones.

    The Hot Tubes Nano is a real winner.

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