Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Holy Stain – inline or in the FX loop ?

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    I’ve always figured that reverb should be used at the end of the signal chain. I’ve just bought a great new amp which doesn’t have reverb and I want a reverb pedal to complete the sound. The Holy Stain with the distortion, trem & pitch shift is currently top of my list as it’s going to do all the sounds I need in one pedal.

    I’m just not sure where to put it in the signal chain. It seems obvious that the distortion & drive will work best in front of the amp so it drives the preamp … but I can’t help thinking this is the wrong place for the reverb to be.

    The amp is a Blackstar HT-5 tube combo with an effects loop. I plan to add delay and looping effects into the loop.

    I’ve checked out a few videos on Youtube etc but none of the reviewers actually explain how they’ve set their rigs up.


    Hmm …. sounds like an interesting rig you’re running ! I think I’ll just get the Stain & try it.


    Check out my review at this link: https://www.ehx.com/forums/viewthread/586/#7987

    It’s a very interesting pedal, and makes a great supplement to your board; but I wouldn’t rely on it as a dedicated trem, pitch shifter, reverb, or even distortion. There’s very little flexibility in each effect.


    That’s quite an endorsement for EHX pedals ! I’m in the UK and with the exchange rate where it is at the minute I’d expect to pay the same figure as your $98 in Sterling. I can actually pick up a new one for around 60 GBP (Gordon Brown Pesos) which is a bargain. I’ll definitely let you know how I get on.

    Check out my review at this link: https://www.ehx.com/forums/viewthread/586/#7987

    “It’s a very interesting pedal, and makes a great supplement to your board; but I wouldn’t rely on it as a dedicated trem, pitch shifter, reverb, or even distortion. There’s very little flexibility in each effect.

    Thanks for the advice & review. I don’t have much time on my hands to play much guitar and find that if I have too much choice in effects settings I get no music done so the Stain should work fine by limiting my choices. The Blackstar amp I’m using is the first I’ve had where you just set up the clean & overdrive sounds & let rip – I hardly touch the controls and am having a great time with it.

    I like the idea that the trem has reverb on it and will probably never use the pitch shift so am going ahead and getting one.


    Thanks for all your advice on the Holy Stain. In the end I decided that reverb was the priority and bought a Holy Grail on eBay. This is now in the loop of my amp and sounds amazing. My first EHX pedal and probably won’t be the last !


    I’ve use the Holy Stain different ways.

    First in front of amp alone, sounded good.

    Than, in the Fx loop (where a reverb should be, I bought it for reverb…) it lowers to signal when on even at max volume.

    Into a pedal loop (Boss Noise Suppressor NS-2 (Send/Return), Big Muff, Holy Stain, Boss Digital Delay DD-3. works good.

    And finally at the output of the pedal loop (between output of NS-2 and the amp), Holy Stain and DD-3 last, the other way I coudn’t hear the DD-3. This was the best way.

    But now I have 1968 Sunn Solarus 60 Watt with a perfectly working reverb! so i sold the HolyStain…I had a lot of fun with it…Too bad I didn’t had time to experiment Voice or Farfiza Organ in it…


    oups quote error…please erase thanks

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