Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Holy Grail making loud whining noise. Tried everything, can’t get rid of it. HELP!

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    I have a Holy Grail, in the classic chassis. Everytime I plug it in, it makes a constant loud whining noise. Loud as in, it’s almost as loud as my guitar signal. Sounds like a lot of interference, but wherever I stand it’s exactly the same. I’ve had a look at the inside of it, and all the wires are in tact.
    Could anyone tell me what the problem is, and how to fix it?




    are you using the correct (supplied) PSU?


    Yeah. I’ve had the pedal for years. Was running fine for years. A small interference noise started happening, but it wasn’t something that got in the way too much. But its really loud now. All the connections are fine. No idea whats causing it.



    what amp do you use ??

    i found i had this problem with my fender blues deluxe 40watt tweed

    but when i use it with my avt150 marshall , 4×12 cab i have nothing, and went to a studio the other day and used the fender deluxe hot rod am (same series) and had no problems so i think it was a dodgy amp cause dodgy things to the pedal


    Yeah. I’ve had the pedal for years. Was running fine for years. A small interference noise started happening, but it wasn’t something that got in the way too much. But its really loud now. All the connections are fine. No idea whats causing it.


    well, if nothings changed and it used to be fine and now it’s not then I’d guess it has a problem of some sort…..I haven’t a clue how you would go about trouble shooting it though.

    you might try emailing EHX and see what they have to say if you get no ideas here.

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