Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Holy Grail goes quiet

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    I’ve used my old HG for some time now without any problems at all. However, yesterday when I plugged it in it would completely mute all sound from the amp. This happens when i switch the unit it on. When switching it off the sound of the amp would come back. I’m certain it’s the HG that’s doing it, since I’ve tried different amps and cables.

    Perhaps the only solution is to send it for repair, but I thought I’d see what answers to my problem I might find here, or if anyone else have experienced the same thing.

    Thank you

    The EH Man

    Sounds like you’ve done all the proper troubleshooting. Does the LED light up when you switch it on?

    Sounds like you’ve done all the proper troubleshooting. Does the LED light up when you switch it on?

    Yes, the LED does light up as usual. Also, if I listen very closely I can hear some very slight sounds as I switch the Spring/hall/flerb-switch. Don’t know if that’s to any help, but if anything it seems as if SOMETHING is happening while operating the unit, only there is no actual sound.

    The EH Man

    I’m betting that the output op-amp has gone bad in it.
    If it’s still under warranty you can send it back to EH for repair.

    I’m betting that the output op-amp has gone bad in it.
    If it’s still under warranty you can send it back to EH for repair.

    OK. It’s not under warranty and I live in Sweden, so I guess I’ll turn to my local repair shop then.

    Thank you for your help.



    I’ve used my old HG for some time now without any problems at all. However, yesterday when I plugged it in it would completely mute all sound from the amp. This happens when i switch the unit it on. When switching it off the sound of the amp would come back. I’m certain it’s the HG that’s doing it, since I’ve tried different amps and cables.

    Perhaps the only solution is to send it for repair, but I thought I’d see what answers to my problem I might find here, or if anyone else have experienced the same thing.

    Thank you

    Hello, I thought I would post here because I am having the same problem. The only difference is that the LED light does NOT come on, so I can’t tell you if it gets quiet when it’s on or off, but I’m guessing it’s on, since that’s what the OP’s situation is.

    Can anyone tell me what might be wrong with it? It has very very light mileage on it. Perhaps something I can repair on my own? I’ve opened the thing up and nothing is disconnected or anything…

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