Home Forums Help/Technical Questions HOG question

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  • #77415

    This may sound a bit strange but I really think a HOG would be awsome for that i do.

    The question:

    Can i play out of tune notes into the HOG and have it reproduce the correct tone?

    As in, if i play some frequency inbetween E and F, will i get that frequency doubled(oct up), x4(two oct up), ect, or is it designed to pick a note from the common scale to reproduce?

    I understand an entire chord out of tune will sound messy, but that is kind of what im going for. The important thing is it does NOT try to “make” the added frequencies normal notes (A, F#, ect.)

    Is this clear enough to answer?



    it doesn’t normalize your notes
    if you play a note that is slightly flat, the voice will be slightly flat

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