Home Forums Help/Technical Questions HOG in effects loop or inline?

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    im totally bashing my brains out trying to decide what to do! i have a marshall head with an effects loop and im trying to decide where to put my metal muff and HOG: inline or in the effects loop. ive tried both and they both sound fine but when my HOG is in my effects loop it is much quieter than my bypassed sound. can anyone offer some wisdom?!?!


    I have my whole board in my effects loop. I too have a marshall (Jcm 900) Duel reverb 50W combo. On the back of the amp where you have the send a return for the effects loop there is a balance screw where you can effect the level of the loop volume. Thats the one.


    oh the whole thing in the loop hmm? interesting. alas my effects loop doesnt have that screw-only a mix knob for each channel on my amp. im using a marshall jcm2000 triple super lead


    It really comes down to taste. I have my HOG before any gain because I want it to get the cleanest guitar signal it can. Although I think I’m going to throw my next dirt pedal that goes on my board (dirt number 5!) in front of it, just for some different dynamics. Also I want to get a comp to put in front of it.

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