Home Forums Help/Technical Questions HOG expression pedal

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    Will the Ernie Ball VP Jr 25K work as an expression pedal for the HOG. Or any of the other Ernie Ball pedals in the same range?

    Also, which of the MIssion Expression Pedals will work with the HOG?

    I think these are the two sturdiest expression pedals available and it would be useful for everyone to know if they are compatible with the HOG.




    The HOG expects a 10k resistive expression pedal like the M-Audio, Roland, Moog EP-2. The 25k VP Jr will have a truncated sweep but will probably work. As far as Mission pedals, you can find the compatibility chart on their website. Page two has the hog. Any that have the expression pedal but not a switch will be fine.


    Thank you kindly!!


    Actually, while i’ve got you here, as you seem to know your stuff, what would you recommend as an expression pedal for the HOG?? I’ve tried both the M-Audio and MOOG and they both lacked reliability for me.

    I won’t go into the M-Audio but the MOOG failed because it refused to stay in the heel down position. As soon as I took pressure off the pedal it would pop up enough to put the signal out of tune (when in pitch bend mode)

    Even with the Mission I’m scared the pedal will lose it’s calibration. I can’t face the 3rd one messing up so if you have any advice on this it would be well appreciated.

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