Home Forums Help/Technical Questions HOG 1 input gain slider pot replacement

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    Hello. I own an ExH HOG 1, whose input gain slider is busted and the signal intermittently gets weaker than unity level. A little wiggling of the slider does bring back the full signal, though only for a few seconds before the intermittent cut-offs return. My friend who is familiar with the essentials of how pedals work has diagnosed that the pot for the input gain slider is indeed faulty and also is of a different colour than the rest of the pots on the unit, hence the conclusion that the original pot was replaced at a certain time prior to my acquisition of the unit. He urged me to seek out the information regarding the exact RESISTANCE VALUE of the input gain pot, and whether it’s linear or logarhythmic? He also added that Alpha is the default manufacturer of slide pots of ExH pedals, whose varieties we’ve managed to find in local stores, since they are quite abundant. I would appreciate it if any of y’all can tell me what type and resistance value I should be looking for. Thank you so much.


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