Home Forums The Lounge hey, im searchin for someones blog post that i remember

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  • #79248

    hey guys, within the past years time, i talked to one of you and read your blog. i cant remember who it is though. well at school, i was wantin to show it to a friend because i myself found it very interesting and entertaining. the blog was about packing up all your belongings and putting them away orderly in certain areas then finally in the end of the instructions, you get down inside a box and close it. you said you wrote if for a friend i do believe. it sounds weird if you arent the writer of it but it is really good. well i searched around on peoples signatures to see if i could find it but no luck. please reply if you know anything about it.



    this is friedjesseradio – by the way, if anybody was wondering


    Yeah Jesse, why don’t you switch your name back now? You’re not getting your old account back, sad to say.


    ya, i was definitely thinkin about it. i will miss my 894 posts. i guess i will now.

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