Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Help!Problem with Attack Delay on Micro Synth Bass

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    I have a problem on Micro Synth Bass.
    When I use the Attack Delay pot, the volume is gettin immediatly much lower and after the second level is almost impossible to hear what happen… No matter what I play or how much I wait, no sound… If I put it to 0 I can hear everything well…

    I’m doing something wrong or is a problem of the pedal. It’s new, the one I tried at the shop was ok I think, I didn’t have this problem (I had my bass also at the shop).


    You already worked this out what is told in the manual?:

    PREAMP GAIN ADJUSTMENT The preamp gain in the Bass Micro Synth has been set
    at the factory for use with a bass equipped with single-coil passive pickups. If you will
    be using another instrument with higher or lower output, it may be necessary to
    readjust this setting. A screwdriver or alignment tool with a tip width of no more than
    1/16″ is required. To access the preamp gain adjustment, remove the bottom plate
    from the Bass Micro Synth. Look for the small trim pot in the lower left corner of the
    circuit board, it is labeled TRIM1 GAIN TRIM. Turning the trim pot clockwise will
    increase the preamp gain. Turning it counter-clockwise will decrease preamp gain.
    Please do not touch any other components when the bottom plate is removed or you
    risk damaging the circuit board or the components.


    PREAMP GAIN ADJUSTMENT The preamp gain in the Bass Micro Synth has been set at the factory for use with a bass equipped with single-coil passive pickups. If you will be using another instrument with higher or lower output, it may be necessary to readjust this setting. A screwdriver or alignment tool with a tip width of no more than 1/16″ is required. To access the preamp gain adjustment, remove the bottom plate from the Bass Micro Synth. Look for the small trim pot in the lower left corner of the circuit board, it is labeled TRIM1 GAIN TRIM. Turning the trim pot clockwise will increase the preamp gain. Turning it counter-clockwise will decrease preamp gain. Please do not touch any other components when the bottom plate is removed or you risk damaging the circuit board or the components. So maybe you can look up in the setting of it.


    Ok, just went to the shop (it took me few days because it’s far from my city)…

    They tried the pedal and they confirmed that the pot was broken, and didn’t work…

    They gave me the new one pedal that they had for test and exibithion, however new, because was the last in the shop…

    This works…

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