Home Forums Tips, Tricks, Clips, and Pics help with settings for Black Finger

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    I have had my Black Finger for a few years now and don’t really use it because I can’t get it to sound right for me. To start with I think I really am compression dumb, its the 1 thing I can’t ever get good settings with.

    I want to use it infront of my preamp to really fill up the guitar tone and add punch/attack to the tone.
    I thought about buying an Aphex Punch Factory for this but I thought I’d try to use the Black Finger 1st since I already own it.
    any suggestions on settings?

    The way my rig is set up now is this… Shure ULX wireless-> pedal board (Digitech Whammy 4 ->Morley Bad Horsie Wah->Boss TU Tuner->
    ISP Decimator gate)-> Rack Boss GT-Pro ->Randall RM4 Preamp -> Boss GT-Pro ->MXR 10 band EQ-> Peavey 5150 as a power amp.

    The Boss is connected via the 4 cable method so I can run f/x before & after the preamp

    As unorthodox as it may seem I was thinking about the Black finger being in the rack before the Boss to kinda restore what’s lost in the pedal board as well as adding that snap, attack & punch any help would be very appreciated


    What is black finger? What is work of this?


    Ok that would be a good place for the black finger at the beginning of your chain. As far as getting that punch sound, that comes down to personal taste. Too much compression can really flatten your tone, so less can be more. The black finger will really warm up your sound and i some times used it on solos. I like the normal/lamp setting as it isn’t so extreme but really adds to your sound.

    Have included a link here for everything compressor

    Good luck

    and persevere.



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