Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Help with Ramshead Muff

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    My cousin handed me an original Ramshead Muff last night and wanted me to work on it. I plan on doing true bypass and adding a dc jack. He wants me to calm some of the hiss and noise it makes. Any ideas or suggestions? I really don’t want to mess with the tone of it just quieten it down a bit. Also if anyone knows where to direct me for the dc mod that would be helpful as well! Thanks for the help!

    Ned Flanders

    DC filtering is as simple as adding a 220uF cap from 9V+ to ground. Big Muffs don’t usually make noise or hiss so i don’t know what the problem is. Try the DC filter and see what happens, could be that if its run on an adapter. If you need to know how to wire a DC jack, go here:http://www.beavisaudio.com/techpages/PedalPower/


    i would only do reversible mods on such a classic. drilling holes in the enclosure will greatly decrease its value should a future sale be on the cards.

    if your cousin is worried about hiss i would get him to check other facotrs in his signal path before blaming the pedal (assuming he hasnt already checked). i have a few old muffs and none of them hiss.


    Yeah I wouldn’t do a thing to that
    get a one spot battery adapter (snaps onto a battery snap then you can plug an adapter in)
    if you think it sucks tone when off put it in a true bypass loo

    but for the love of everything that is holy, don’t mod that!

    that’s like changing the pickups on a 1952 gold top Les Paul


    Thanks for the info guys. He knows its a classic and loves its tone, but when its turned up it makes an insane amount of noise. I will probably do the true bypass and I might try the cap trick on the battery clip and also the batter plug is a glorious idea. The pedal really just sounds like it doesn’t have a good ground! Like I told him though, I don’t want to do irreversible mods due to the aura of this pedal :) He also gave me an old Dunlop Crybaby Wah from the 70s or 80s I’m unsure but a friend of his took it off a famous musicians pedal rack while they were backstage (i’ll refrain from saying who for the legality of it). It’s cool too but picks up insane radio signals.

    *a note about my cousin, he is in his 50s and has played guitar for 35+ years so he is a guru just not on the electronic/soldering side. I’m sure his path is pure. I will post some pics of the pedal this afternoon and let me know what you guys think.


    Echoing the above: Don’t drill it. Don’t mod it. But TB is not a bad idea.
    Here’s a helpful pdf with good diagrams: http://www.singlecoil.com/docs/vintage_muff.pdf
    No idea about the noise — I have two 3003 muffs (a v2 ram’s head and a v3 red/black) and they’re both well behaved.
    Mine is TB, so let me know if you want gutshots to help with the mod.


    if anything send it into Ronsound and have them go over it.

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