Home Forums Vintage EHX Help with Golden Throat

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    I juat got a hold of an original golden throat (the 1st one). The problem is I Have no Idea how to use it. It seems simple enough 2 jacks 1 labeled Speaker, and one labeled amplifier, but how do I set it up to work with my fantom x keyboard? Do I need to use a mic for the talkbox to work and if so where do I connect it? and what amount of watt amp should I use? any help at all is much appreciated. Thank you. So

    The EH Man

    General Talkbox info: http://www.blamepro.com/talkbox.htm

    Setup info: http://www.blamepro.com/talkboxD.htm

    Maximum wattage is 100w. You can use any size amp up to that.

    General Talkbox info: http://www.blamepro.com/talkbox.htm

    Setup info: http://www.blamepro.com/talkboxD.htm

    Maximum wattage is 100w. You can use any size amp up to that.

    Thanks a lot, I appreciate it.


    If I had found this forum post first, I wouldn’t have had to duplicate the question…If there is a search posts box, I couldn’t find it…..peace…Neilcody

    The EH Man

    It’s in the upper right corner


    Got it..I see it now…half blind here…and thanks for the useful links…I think I got my answer …now I am ready to hook it up to see if it works and give it the old smoke test. An instructor once told me that everything electrical runs off of smoke and if you don’t believe me, just let the smoke out of an electrical component and see if it still works…LOL
    I read the caveats about excessive load on the amp head and the ohms and proper grounding. The light bulb on the unit, should it be faint or bright while using the unit? Thanks again. Peace

    The EH Man

    It should only light when there’s a signal overload.


    YAY!!..It WORKS!..I spent about 2 hours getting to know the box and working with the sounds. The waah sound is the easiest to make, and I finally was able to make the vowel “M” (momma), but the hard consonant sound of “K or C”(Call) they are tough to make. Keeping the tongue off of the hose opening is tricky too, when that happens, sound traveling up the hose is blocked out. Technique will come with practice I am sure. Yea, I was workin on Mindbender and watched the artist up on you tube. I noticed the hose, in relation to his microphone was at about a 40 degree angle and protruding past the head of the mic about 2 to 3 inches. I experimented with opening my throat to get a deep gutteral sound and played with that a while, now, today, which began last night, I am having a case of larengitis FFS! The hose was not new, but had soaked thoroughly in bleach water. Maybe it was a coincidence. I did read that a good practice would be to lightly spray the hose end with a bit of Listerine and tieing it into a sandwich baggie (we’ve all got those lying around don’t we?) to keep it fairly sterile and so bacteria won’t grow in the tube between uses.
    Aside from the real throat issue, the Electro-Harmonix Golden Throat(1) will now take its place in my pedal lineup consisting of, (from the guitar to the amp) Boss TU-2 tuner, 3-knob Fender Blender, DOD FX-57 , Ibanez TS-7 tube screamer and lastly Ibanez AD-9 delay. My wish list is to add a volume pedal and a wah-wah. Amp is a mid 70’s Bandmaster Reverb through vintage Fender cabs 2-15’s and 2-12’s sweetening the sound of a vintage ’72 Tele, Maple neck/Natural-Wht pkgd. Thanks for all the help.


    New related question:………about the “soaker” light indicator on the golden throat. Is the brightness of this light an indication of “signal clipping”?, Is the rule of thumb with this device NOT to let the light stay on constantly? Thanks…..peace

    The EH Man

    I wouldn’t allow it to stay on constantly.


    I’ve been driving a Golden Throat II for a while with a 30w combo amp that has a speaker out. You can modulate the signal strength well enough on the amp side to keep the light from getting to be an issue, while still keeping it loud on the hose end.

    Some people like to push them stupid loud but I’m not about to have to go looking for an 1823m diaphragm. Mine gets loud enough to get fully articulate without having to risk a meltdown.

    If you’re after that super loud, hissy sound that some cats get by pushing their TBs so hard it actually displaces the air in their mouths, I’d suggest getting a Rocktron and blowing that up instead. The original EHX units are kinda hard to come by and there are plenty of dudes out there cool with using them to sane levels who’d be happy to trade you a Banshee + Cash to take it off your hands.


    Hi, It’s been a little bit over a year since I Bought my Golden Throat and I still have not been able to try it out due to a lack of an amp and just being busy working on my audio engineering skills and piano playing. Can someone please recommend me the most affordable amp that’s perfect for use with the GT. Something that I wont have to solder any extra inputs or outputs to. Something that is ready to use out of the box with my GT. Thank You

    EDIT: Also please recommend an amp that is suitable for High quality studio recording, I don’t want bad sounding recordings when using the amp Thank you

    Hi, It’s been a little bit over a year since I Bought my Golden Throat and I still have not been able to try it out due to a lack of an amp and just being busy working on my audio engineering skills and piano playing. Can someone please recommend me the most affordable amp that’s perfect for use with the GT. Something that I wont have to solder any extra inputs or outputs to. Something that is ready to use out of the box with my GT. Thank You

    EDIT: Also please recommend an amp that is suitable for High quality studio recording, I don’t want bad sounding recordings when using the amp Thank you

    Any combo amp with a speaker-out jack will do, or any amp with a separate head.

    As far as most affordable, you can find some small practice amps that have factory Speaker output jacks in the Crate family, a few in the Peavey family I believe.

    As far as ‘quality for studio recording’, as far as talkboxing goes, the signal gets so compressed and distorted through the unit itself that you’ll be very hard pressed to tell one amp from another. Remember that a TB must be mic’d in order to be relevant in a performing or recording situation. “Sound quality” in the finished product is going to be determined more by the mic than it is the amp.


    Hello, I was wondering how many OHMs the Golden Throat mouth tube is rated at. I saw a schematic on here and it looks like 8 OHMs. Can anyone verify this? If so and forgive my possible ignorance, when powering it with a 50 watt Marshall JMC 800 or 900 I would want to set the amp to the 8 OHM setting. Would that be correct?


    Hev everybody, just got a golden throat too, I think it’s awesome.
    However I can’t really do the right setup for my synthesizer to work. Anybody who can help?
    I have a Korg KingKorg and soon a Moog Sub37.

    The one who sold me the talkbox said, it worked for him, when he use a guitar amp speaker to setup his vocoder (he plays the guitar). Do you also need an guitar speaker to use the talkbox via my synthesizer??

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