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    hey guys, i am heavily debating buying a graphic fuzz. im not sure if i should get one because i havent seen enough feedback on it to be convinced. i want it for my dream set up of guitar > blah blah blah > graphic fuzz > 22 caliber > epiphone valve junior extension cab. i think that would be wicked awesome. im imagining the purpose of it to be an eq in the mix and the distortion (depending on if i like it) is a bonus. can someone please please please please please demo it!

    also i was wondering what days the summer namm show is gonna be

    thanks dudes!


    I actually did a review of the GF on this site but it was deleted along with your original account and mine. It was a good review, I liked it, but I ended up getting rid of it. I was using it mostly as an EQ for my big muff, which sounded awesome, just not what I needed at the time, I wanted a wilder fuzz rather than a straight up distortion. EQ after a big muff though…pretty great.

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