Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Help me repair hot tube pedal

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  • #80755

    Allright first post here so hello all

    anyway i bought a non working hot tube pedal a while ago on ebay

    i have started tinkering with it and i have restored power by resoldering three broken solder joints in the middle guess someone stood on it to hard

    the bottom light the led inside and the tubes all light up now only thing is the switch has fell off and the soldering on the switch looks a mess so does anyone know how i solder the switch up it has only three lugs two of which may be soldered together it is hard to tell

    any help much appreciated

    The EH Man

    the footswitch?


    Yes it is a standard true bypass switch with only three working connnections to solder to the rest have been sawed off there are two wires coming from the pcb


    ok update sort of guessed the wiring of the switch and i now have sound for the first time

    but it is now making a high pitched buzz squeal sound when you switch on the pedal not through the amp but the actual pedal makes a loud noise

    think it is coming from the L7812cv voltage regulator this is the component that i had to re-solder to get power

    maybe this component has failed has anyone else ever had this ?

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