Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Help me decide which pedal I get next!!!!

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    OK, so I am at a loss. I want EVERYTHING!!! haha. I love EHx pedals so much, there’s a few I want, I’d love to hear your ideas.

    So first, my sound is very textured, very clean (usually) guitar that I do a lot of textural and tonal shaping with. I like to make my guitar sound like many things besides a guitar along with the usual guitar sound! (my music is linked at the bottom you can get an idea)

    So here is my setup: guitar > Blackstone overdrive > Crybaby 535 > POG (when it arrives this week!) > Small Clone > Holy Stain > Line6 Echopark > 65 Twin Reverb reissue. (& I actively use the reverb & trem on the amp)

    So you can see I do a lot of modulation and just sound tweaking stuff. I love the Holy Stain for the reverbs (So I basically have 3-spring from amp, room & hall). I DO NOT want a Big Muff Pi (blaspheme! I know)…I just do not use Fuzz, ever. I’m more looking at: Deluxe Memory Man (or should I wait for the Memory Boy???)…Small Stone…Deluxe Electric Mistress…Tube Zipper (for the envelope & the Trill mode with a slightly distorted sound)…what am I missing? (BTW, I tried the Flanger Hoax and liked it but just could NOT get over the hiss & the volume drop…it was not usuable in a live situation)

    So EVENTUALLY I will have all those things…but what should I get next? You know, bang for the buck wise, as far as tonal options. Looking at my setup, I am starting to stumble upon fun ways that the effects effect other EFFECTS, not just the guitar sound (make sense?) Basically, I want to be able to make my guitar sound like as many things as possible.

    Whaddya think guys?


    I’d go with the tube zipper, you can get crazy sounds from that.


    Big Muff
    Frequency Analyzer
    or a looper

    Big Muff
    Frequency Analyzer
    or a looper

    I was thinking frequency analyzer. it does make your guitar sound not like a guitar so i guess you would like it mhuxtable :)


    frequency analyzer is a great creative instrument

    opens you up to a new microtonal world


    yeah i was thinking about that too…i did use a ring mod in another one of my songs…

    hate to admit it…but i was thinking about holding out for a moog ring mod..eep…!


    Well aside from different features they sound different, and from what I’m told, some prefer the frequency analyzer.

    Personally I want to have both though.


    I would def be ok with both!! I did pick up a deluxe electric mistress yesterday for $75 on Craigslist!! WOOT. Freaking LOVE this pedal. I’m still playing, but last nite at band practice, i totally got some weird Pink Floyd type psychadelic sounds.

    Yeah I don’t mind having a ton of pedals…especially the big box ones. I prefer them actually. All this “the diecast boxes are better for pedal boards” is just hogwash for me. BUILD A BIGGER BOARD!!

    But that’s for another forum topic i guess…

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