Home Forums The Lounge Help me decide which effects I should get next with my meager supply of cash

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    I know this is a stupid topic, but I can not for the life of me decide which of these now narrowed down to 4 pedals I should get next (I may buy more than one at a time, so suggest top three maybe). The options are:

    fOXX Tone Machine Fuzz

    Small Stone (leaning towards this one)
    Double Muff

    Maxon AF-9 Auto Filter (I need a funk box, and none of the EHX ones tickle my fancy, and this is the best sounding most Mutron-esque one I have come across, because I do not have $600 to spend on a real ‘Tron)

    So them’s the options. I currently have:

    EHX: USA Big Muff
    Small Clone
    Metal Muff
    Stereo Electric Mistress (Not satisfied with this one, so it must be replaced by a “real” mistress)

    MXR: Carbon Copy Delay (I like it! :thumb: )
    Phase 90 (I don’t like it! :nono: )
    10 Band EQ (Unnecessary! 🙄 )


    That should give you an idea of what I need. I play assorted everything, so don’t let that limmit anything. By the way, don’t let EHX have to much of an influence over your suggestions.

    Thanks for helping a stupid kid figure his dilemmas out!


    Get the small stone if you don’t like the phase 90, don’t get another fuzz if you already have two.


    Well, I’ve got 7 fuzzes on my board and I use them all. Of course it’s a matter of taste, but I’m a fuzz whore. The Tone Machine covers territory that neither the Muff nor the Metal Muff do, and it has a nice octave up. I’d get the fOXX and then think about a Small Stone.

    Get the small stone if you don’t like the phase 90, don’t get another fuzz if you already have two.

    The metal muff isn’t really a fuzz, it’s more of a high gain distortion with very little fuzz like qualities.


    The Small Stone and Electric Mistress are classics.

    Might I recommend the Germ OD instead of the Fuzz Face.

    Get the small stone if you don’t like the phase 90, don’t get another fuzz if you already have two.

    The metal muff isn’t really a fuzz, it’s more of a high gain distortion with very little fuzz like qualities.

    fuzz, distortion, overdrive, you know what i mean.

    Get the small stone if you don’t like the phase 90, don’t get another fuzz if you already have two.

    The metal muff isn’t really a fuzz, it’s more of a high gain distortion with very little fuzz like qualities.

    fuzz, distortion, overdrive, you know what i mean.

    Yeah I guess I do, but I treat fuzz as a completley different entity than OD and distortion. I consider the Big Muff to be a distortion fuzz hybrid, so I have yet to get a full blown fuzz.

    Ned Flanders

    Foxx tone machine FTW!
    I built one and I love it, I want to find a vintage one someday.

    Foxx tone machine FTW!
    I built one and I love it, I want to find a vintage one someday.

    Why not just get a reissue? They won’t cost nearly as much. And they sound just as good. My only problem with that is that I can’t decide what color to get it in (I’m thinking purple).

    Ned Flanders

    Cause I like old things and old effects.
    I collect old effects and old books, the oldest effect I have is from 1978, the oldest book I have is from 1934.

    The RI’s are fine, nothing wrong with them and I’d likely get one of them too.


    The Blue Box was my secret weapon, it’s the coolest thing to put at the beginning of your chain tog et gnarly effects. I’m sure it’d sound even crazier through the pog (or vice versa).

    Ned Flanders

    The coolest thing is to put a blue box and foxx tone machine(octave on) on together, you get full on glitchy computer sounds. Totally unusable IMO,but cool nonetheless.
    I have a clip of me doing this but the host is down so I cant post it.


    Good news everybody: through the process of brain stuff and such, I have eliminated the possibility of obtaining the Russian Big Muff, Blue Box, Electric Mistress, and Fuzz Face in a timely manner. Cool, but I need something a bit more delectable at the moment.

    And then there were four…

    Get the small stone if you don’t like the phase 90, don’t get another fuzz if you already have two.

    The metal muff isn’t really a fuzz, it’s more of a high gain distortion with very little fuzz like qualities.

    fuzz, distortion, overdrive, you know what i mean.

    Yeah I guess I do, but I treat fuzz as a completley different entity than OD and distortion. I consider the Big Muff to be a distortion fuzz hybrid, so I have yet to get a full blown fuzz.

    The fOXX Tone Machine Fuzz is cool, i just checked out a demo on youtube. Yea, the big muff is more of a hybrid.


    how much are those foxx pedals these days?

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