Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Help – best sized pedalboard for large vintage EHX pedals?

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    Hi there, I have a couple of large ehx vintage/reissue pedals, a polychorus and electric mistress. I want to place them on a pedalboard but not sure which board would be the right size (thinking of a pedal train model) and do not live near anywhere to try one out in person. Can any of you recommend which would be best. My total list of pedals is below:

    TC polytune mini, BYOC harmonic percolator, EHX polychorus, EHX electric mistress, EHX memory boy (may not use this) and a Hardwire supernatural reverb.

    Look forward to hearing your advice and opinions.



    I was wondering the same thing with my guitar rig. so I …
    hooked up all my pedals with cables, power supply and everything and measured the size that pedals took up on the floor with a tight layout; Also measure the height of your tallest pedal. Then go on the internet and do some hunting. You may not find the exact size, so you will have to go a little larger. Height was a concern for me because of my Green Muff. I recently bought a board /case off of ebay. So I’m waiting to get it in the mail. They said I can get my money back if I’m not satisfied. so what is there to lose.


    Thanks for the reply. I have actually just started doing something similar to what you mentioned and have been measuring out the size of certain pedalboard dimensions using a measuring tape and sheets of paper stuck together to see if things will fit. I am now pondering whether to go for a flat board that come in flight cases or maintain my interest in the raked board option like the Pedaltrain and Warwick rock boards.

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