Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Headphone AMP not simulating cabinet?

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    Yeah, i also presumed it because as i said it’s a standard in the industry for this category of product to put in some cab-like EQing.. which down to the basics it is not rocket-science or costly, it can be done by limiting the freq into the classic guitar speaker range (not over 7/8 khz) and pushing the mid band 3-5 Khz a little..

    Too bad because i really like the product, it is sturdy, well built and good sounding but it is hardly limited for the purpose of listening to your pedal chain in headphones…

    If I’m already playing through a pedal chain, then I’d probably just put an EQ at the end and tailor my own sim.

    It would be interesting to hear the debate on which cabs should be simulated — Fender Deluxe Reverb? Vox AC 30? Marshall 1959-SLP? Orange OR120?

    The EH Man
    A cab sim would be cool, but would also raise the price most likely.

    I have the vintage unit from the early 80s. I’d be curious to know if it’s a comparable design. It’s also very clean – no amp sim either. Works great for clean or acoustic tones.

    It’s likely the same thing. They emailed me about the schematic earlier this year and I disassembled mine and drew the schematic out.

    If I’m already playing through a pedal chain, then I’d probably just put an EQ at the end and tailor my own sim.

    It would be interesting to hear the debate on which cabs should be simulated — Fender Deluxe Reverb? Vox AC 30? Marshall 1959-SLP? Orange OR120?

    Well, i guess something too elaborated could exceed the cost target of the device. Normally, a 4×12 cab simulator like many analog DI boxes do is a cheap EQ circuit that does the trick…

    If I’m already playing through a pedal chain, then I’d probably just put an EQ at the end and tailor my own sim.

    It would be interesting to hear the debate on which cabs should be simulated — Fender Deluxe Reverb? Vox AC 30? Marshall 1959-SLP? Orange OR120?

    Well, i guess something too elaborated could exceed the cost target of the device. Normally, a 4×12 cab simulator like many analog DI boxes do is a cheap EQ circuit that does the trick…

    yeah, it wouldn’t need to be anything specific, just ‘general guitar speaker sound’ …. Something like the cab emulated output on a Bad Monkey, I suppose…


    Exactly what i had in mind… a switch to turn on / off some very basic EQing like bad monkey would already be enough to properly hear distortion / overdrives in the pedal chain.. well, let’s see what will be next release of this product, maybe this feature will found its way!

    sorry its not what you wanted, but it is what it is, do research before you buy.

    to be fair when you read things like this….

    # Designed specifically for musical instruments
    # Get the character sound of your live instrument
    # Handles high gain pedal board input delivering your favorite tone and definition

    …it’s totally understandable that people might expect it to have basic analogue speaker emulation. I know it might sound odd coming from part of the admin team, but I think lofedi has a genuine point here, I would be very disappointed if I had bought one.

    The EH Man

    If it doesn’t say “speaker simulation” then you you shouldn’t expect it.


    Well guys, i have to say thanks to electro-melx for sharing his honest opinion which is actually my perception of the advertisement. Anyway let me be clear i’m not fishing for refund or something neither i want to be picky or flaming, i just want to provide you honest feedback on the product which essential for any company. I enjoy ehx products very much so in a sense i’m disappointed when i see some products that are not pushing to seventh heaven like the others…as i said headphone amp is nice well built and perfect to use but i feel unhappy about being limited to use it on clean signals only.

    Go for a stereo input, simple cabinet emulator headphone amp and you will smash the market of these product category, honestly.

    Have a nice day everybody!

    Well guys, i have to say thanks to electro-melx for sharing his honest opinion which is actually my perception of the advertisement. Anyway let me be clear i’m not fishing for refund or something neither i want to be picky or flaming, i just want to provide you honest feedback on the product which essential for any company. I enjoy ehx products very much so in a sense i’m disappointed when i see some products that are not pushing to seventh heaven like the others…as i said headphone amp is nice well built and perfect to use but i feel unhappy about being limited to use it on clean signals only.

    Go for a stereo input, simple cabinet emulator headphone amp and you will smash the market of these product category, honestly.

    Have a nice day everybody!

    it’s all good, we all love EHX but we also know they ain’t perfect either! I’m sure we’ve all had a few disappointments over the years, that will be the case with any line of products. …. and we do appreciate the honest feedback. :)

    …generally people discuss things on here like adults, so don’t be afraid to speak up if you don’t agree with something.

    Well guys, i have to say thanks to electro-melx for sharing his honest opinion which is actually my perception of the advertisement. Anyway let me be clear i’m not fishing for refund or something neither i want to be picky or flaming, i just want to provide you honest feedback on the product which essential for any company. I enjoy ehx products very much so in a sense i’m disappointed when i see some products that are not pushing to seventh heaven like the others…as i said headphone amp is nice well built and perfect to use but i feel unhappy about being limited to use it on clean signals only.

    Go for a stereo input, simple cabinet emulator headphone amp and you will smash the market of these product category, honestly.

    Have a nice day everybody!

    Thanks for all the feedback everyone. We are taking it all seriously.

    If it doesn’t say “speaker simulation” then you you shouldn’t expect it.

    What’s with the attitude? Melx is bringing up great points and your riding his ass for it.


    Only drawback from adding a Speaker Sim here would be that it’d lose a part of the market. Bassists and Keyboardists usually go through a D.I. and out to the PA, no EQ but the pure tone of the instrument. Adding a SpkrSim (specially a GUITAR SpkrSim) would ruin the Headphone AMP for them and it’d go to Guitarists only.
    EHX recently just found a good market on Bassists or they wouldn’t of released 5~7 pedals finally tailored for bass. I’m just putting out there what I’d of thought of if I were Mike Mathews… which I wish I were =P


    I just assumed that the Headphone Amp was a headphone amp, not a personal practice amp, but I’ve just gone and looked at it and it’s neither!

    It seems to be selling itself as a kind of VOX Amplug, for ‘personal practice’ but it’s not voiced for guitar. It would do the job of a single stereo studio headphone amp, but that’s not how it’s marketed.

    It reads to me like it’s meant to be a real headphone amp, but there’s been a mix-up and it’s been marketed as a personal practice amp. Very strange indeed.


    I’m with the bassist on that though i play guitar. I finally found a headphone amp that doesn’t add it’s own thing; leave it the way it is. Not all guitarist are into simulations of any kind. If you do want that, for example, AC30 tone VOX makes a headphone amp.


    also a jack to plug in a cd or mp3 player would be awesome. you could just pass it straight through to the headphone jack and control the volume on your cd/mp3 player so no real circuitry would be involved, just a headphone jack, some wire and another hole.

    i actually plan on doing this to mine soon.

    that and lack of cab sim eq are definitely my two biggest gripes.

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